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Meth and Lies... When you stopped using meth, did the lies stop?

Meth and lies.. question for the recovering addicts
Addicts... Meth and lies when you stopped the meth did you instantly stop lying?

I'm just thinking it becomes habit... second nature when you've done it for an extended period of time ... so when did they stop for you?

I know everyone is different.
Re: Meth and lies.. question for the recovering addicts
I know I stopped lying. I was a patient in a treatment facility for 90 day's that was christian based and I got really in touch with my "higher power".

I would lie to manipulate people to get money, dope or just whatever I wanted at the time.

When I stopped using there was no need for the manipulation.

I have to say the only person I lie to now is myself. I have a tendency to tell myself that I can use recreational every once in a while. I know it's a lie when I'm thinking it but never the less I still think it every now and again.
Re: Meth and lies.. question for the recovering addicts
I feel like it takes truly grasping that recovery and really accepting that unmanageability to lead us to being completely honest about ourselves and our addiction. I've been playing with recovery for several years, but have only recently gotten completely honest. We not only get into the habit of manipulating the truth; we also have to deal with the shame we feel from the choices we've made. Therefore, it's easier to lie than to admit how we were. Honesty is one of the greatest tools of recovery, but it doesn't come easily. I struggled with it, but finally realized, if God has seen all and forgiven all the rotten things I've done, I must admit these things and forgive myself too. Easier said than done sometimes, but always possible. Trust and Believe. Much Love.
Re: Meth and lies.. question for the recovering addicts
I only lied to cover my drug use, or to get money for it.
.......I never lied before, or after.

I have nothing to hide now.
Re: Meth and lies.. question for the recovering addicts
Freedom from addiction comes thru honesty, once we realize how appreciated the truth is, no matter what that truth may be, we begin to open up and become forthright and honest. In treatment, and at 12 step meetings, a common phrase is "thanks for your honesty".... music to this addicts ears. The truth sets us free!
no more
Re: Meth and lies.. question for the recovering addicts
Danimal said it.... the truth sets us free !! What a relief not to have to lie anymore about where I'm going, what I'm doing...

For me, I quit lying when I stopped doing things I needed to lie about.

Now I have the opposite problem... I'm all about the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help your feelers !
Re: Meth and lies.. question for the recovering addicts
Addicts... Meth and lies when you stopped the meth did you instantally stop lying?
I don't think that I was a big liar, when I was using, I only lied about my drug use. I did eventually tell my parents, my mother in law, a friend that is a parole officer, because then I knew I had a problem. I guess that it was an accountability thing. I am the one that told them, they had no idea. I was completely honest with my husband, who was also an addict. He, on the other hand, got busted numerous times in BIG lies. Now that he is a recovering addict of over one year, he has been pretty honest. There are some things that he doesn't want to tell me, because he is afraid that it will hurt me, but he will tell me what is going on. We now have a real honest open relationship. I don't think that our communication has ever been better. I do not suggest by any means that anybody go through what we did in order to get where we are at now. (my husband is now in prison until April 2007).
Re: Meth and lies.. question for the recovering addicts
I'm just thinking it becomes habbit... second nature when you've done it for an extended period of time ... so when did they stop for you?
The moment I was able to look myself in the mirror, get real honest, and admit to me that I was an addict and that I needed help, was the moment that the lying ceased for me. That was the day I put down meth for good, July 1, 1996.

I allowed myself the freedom of complete honesty after that. It is so freeing, to just say it like it is, even if it hurts or it's not what others want to hear.

Honesty was a HUGE factor in my recovery process....it still is.

Re: Meth and lies.. question for the recovering addicts
Hmmm...I still lie, but not about important things. It's usually simple, puny little lies that, if I told the truth, the outcome would not have been bad for me at all. It's like I do it to make something "interesting" happen in my life.

It's stupid...lame...but I've done it all my life.

When it comes to the deep stuff...I don't know that I lie, but I hide a lot.

Don't know if that makes me abnormal, since most of you say you stopped lying when you got clean, but...it's truly a life-long habit for me.
Sfj Re: Meth and lies.. question for the recovering addicts
One of the more peculiar aspects of recovery is the immediate change in honesty. For most of us, it was like day and night.

The decision to stop using must be accompanied by embracing brutal honesty.
Penel0pe Re: Meth and lies.. question for the recovering addicts
Like suz, I usually just lied about my using. I always prided myself on having an OUNCE of integrity which meant I didn't lie to people - I was a shoplifter, I walked out on my family, I beat people up, but hey, I was HONEST!

That's what you call "Tweeker Integrity."

So yes, It stopped when I stopped using, because I didn't have anything to lie about anymore.

Some people are going to be who they are with or without meth, though, and some are more honest than others, meth or no meth... you gotta consider that, too.

See also:

To what extent will a Meth addict Lie?

Lies and Trust: A meth addict's perspective

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