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Recovery vs. Abstinence in reducing meth cravings

vctry7 Recovery vs. Abstinence in reducing meth cravings
When you are truly in recovery as opposed to just abstaining, does that mean you never have cravings anymore?

I heard my husband tell someone he never had any cravings whatsoever anymore. I asked him later if it was true and he said "yes" and he hasn't had any in a very long time. Next came his questions "Why? Do you?". I answered honestly and told that I did every once in a while. They just aren't bad cravings that I think I might actually die from (not possible, I know, but that's how it felt). Does this mean he is really in recovery and I am not? Or is it different things for different people? I just know I have no desire to ever live that way again.
Re: Recovery vs. Abstinence in reducing meth cravings
I remember white-knuckling it a LOT the first year, even though I was attending at least 5 meetings a week. Honestly, I never even noticed till years down the road that the cravings had completely left me.

For me, it took time and a lot of hard work on myself to get rid of those cravings. Each person is different, and I can't give you a time frame nor pat solution to what will work for you
Sfj Re: Recovery vs. Abstinence in reducing meth cravings
It’s quite unlikely that a user will stop having cravings. They will certainly diminish over a period of time however. There are some theories, and even sayings in 12step, like “Fake it till ya make it.”

A Christian counterpart or religious slogan is, “Claim it in faith.”

In other words, if you say it, you hope that it might be true, or hope that it might come to pass. This is like the power of psychological suggestion. Sometimes it works.
In other cases it is simply a cop-out and a form of denial.
The true test is if it works long-term and clear evidence of behavior change becomes apparent.
vctry7 Re: Recovery vs. Abstinence in reducing meth cravings
I have faith that they will one day be completely gone or at least so infrequent I barely notice them. Even if I never get any better from here, I can live with it.

I had mixed feelings about my husband not having cravings and me still having them that left me really confused. Thanks for the input.
from hell
Re: Recovery vs. Abstinence in reducing meth cravings
So I'm now a bit confused..
I'm 7mo. (close) clean now, I don't have any desire or obsession or "cravings" to use.
I'm done,
So am I a cop-out, in denial. or am I setting myself up for something I don't even recognize.
Re: Recovery vs. Abstinence in reducing meth cravings
So am I a cop-out, in denial. or am I setting myself up for something I don't even recognize.

I think you're doing great, Al, and you are truly an inspiration to me.

I can honestly say that when I get super fatigued, which I try very hard to avoid, I occasionally get the 'thought' that some 'help' with the lack of energy would be nice. But it's never more than a fleeting thought. There's no dwelling on it, nor having to fight an urge. For me, that's progress
I feel better in my recovery now than I ever have through the years.
I certainly don't feel I am in denial or are copping out because I don't get cravings.

hdftboy Re: Recovery vs. Abstinence in reducing meth cravings
Here is my 2cents on this.
I've not had the cravings that I've read about. Where my body just is in need of it. ( but then, I've never gone thru something like this and have no experience on it).
My struggle is in the mind. I miss the fun sex. Or what I now know as non-emotional sex.
That is my only problem with not using anymore.
However I feel like a million bucks with tons of energy again.
Just cant wait for my sexual side to come back again...

T- told me it would and I know it will happen. Maybe in the next few months.
Re: Recovery vs. Abstinence in reducing meth cravings
Does this mean he is really in recovery and I am not?


Or is it different things for different people?


I just know I have no desire to ever live that way again.

You're doing great then. Don't worry.

See also:

Question about Craving Meth

Alternatives to help with Meth withdrawals?

Need helpful tips to stop meth cravings

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