Why did you quit meth?
A question
for recovering addicts....why did you quit meth?
I've read the stories, but I don't recall seeing many of you
telling exactly why you quit? What was the final straw for you to
make you want to change? |
Re: A question
for recovering addicts....why did you quit meth?
I quit because I didn't want to die. |
Re: A question
for recovering addicts....why did you quit meth?
I quit because I couldn't look at myself in the mirror anymore. I
had become someone that I didn't like or even recognize.
I wanted to live!! |
Re: A question
for recovering addicts....why did you quit meth?
My answer to this question is in my post, "What I've learned in
60 Days.." Someone asked me this same question, so my reply is
there. But I will copy it here, too.
What motivated me to quit?
The lonely, evil face in the mirror.
The mommy inside me screaming, wailing, begging for the addict to
let her be a mother to her kids again.
A small moment of semi-sanity where I realized that I had my suicide
letters written and ready to put out to be found after I was gone.
The emotional, mental and spiritual pain that was so intense I could
feel it all over my frail body.
My 4 yr old son's words that echoed in my head constantly:
"Mommy, do you still love me?" and, "Mommy, I just wanna hang out
with you. Why can't I come in your room anymore?" and hearing him
cry softly in his room at night because I wouldn't take a break from
smokin dope and come out of my room long enough to just tuck him in
and give him a kiss & hug.
My sanity cracking, falling in a million pieces onto my bedroom
floor after yet another unsuccessful day at IOP (Intensive
OutPatient therapy).
Those and so much more that I can't think of.
Re: A question
for recovering addicts....why did you quit meth?
I quit to escape the slavery caused by meth addiction.
The insanity, depravity, and severe mental illness.
We meth addicts will stop when the pain of continued use exceeds the
fear of withdrawal.
Drug abuse begins for one reason and continues for another, but then
its too late. I used up fifteen years of life in five years of
shooting crank.
When I was in rehab, the psychiatrist said that mental hospitals
have more patients due to meth abuse than any other single cause.
I hated being in the control of a drug, all day, everyday, no matter
where I was or what I did, I hadda have it with me.
How Meth Addicts Think and Feel |
Re: A question
for recovering addicts....why did you quit meth?
I quit to regain my self worth. |
Re: A question
for recovering addicts....why did you quit meth?
I quit becuase I wanted to make sure my daughter always had her
mommy and that mommy always had her daughter. I read how so many
peeps will give up their children for this drug I did not want to be
one of them.
le grumps
Re: A question
for recovering addicts....why did you quit meth?
I quit for three reasons, in order of importance:
1. I couldn't afford to do it anymore, financially. I quit using the
very day that I both ran out and had no means to get more without
either robbing someone or prostituting myself for it.
2. I was in a deep psychosis that was terrorizing me to the point of
either suicide or homocide. I was also in horrific physical pain due
to joint damage exhaserbated by my drug problem.
3. Somehow, I didn't want to die. |
Re: A question
for recovering addicts....why did you quit meth?
God tricked me.
I went to an NA meeting with my "him" at the time. He was court
ordered...... I went high
I thought he had a problem cause he used needles and I only
smoked.....(Ya I smoked about $150-$200 a day of meth)
I kept going to the meetings with him and within about a week the
light came on, I realized my insaniety and the extent of my
I had all of those same things going on inside of me but thought I
was too tough to ever admit it to anyone, the loneliness, fear of
death, the yearning to be a real mom for my son.
Thank you for asking though....I never ever never want to forget
where I came from!!!!!!!!! |
Re: A question
for recovering addicts....why did you quit meth?
I got sick and tired of being sick and tired (And broke, and
depressed, and in trouble, and in fights with my husband, and of
lying, and of the whole deal.) |
Re: A question
for recovering addicts....why did you quit meth?
I wanted to live, not barely survive. Drugs were killing me, they
weren't fun anymore.
Choose freedom. |
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Quitting Meth: Things to think about
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