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Can You Use Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?

catest Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
Hello all. An old using "buddy" of mine is back in town for a few days. I only know this because he is doing some day labor for the company my hubby works for. Anyhow, this buddy says he only does it "every now and then" these days.

Hmmm. "Every Now and Then?" I remember thinking I was doing it every now and then.

What does every now and then mean? To me, it meant twice a month. Then it meant every weekend. Then it meant every day or every other day. Then it meant every morning. Then it meant that some days I did it a lot, all thru the day, and others I only did it once or twice.

Then I tried to stop, and found out what this thing is really all about.

This guy has been there...prison, parole, being under surveillance...he has seen the hard core, nasty side of meth. He's sworn it off countless times.

So...why would he say he does it every now and then? He KNOWS I'm not one to judge. If he's using, he's using, makes no difference to me. I never liked him anyway, dope or no dope - I just hung out with him for the cheap deals he could get.  

I dunno. I don't think I'll ever "get" the way us tweakers act when we're in active addiction. Even while I was using, I thought it was a bunch of BS and didn't understand our behavior.

Every now and then? WHATEVER!!!
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use? - Casual Use?
"Every now and then" my asss. Your friend has demonstrated the absurdity of "swearing off".
And ((((stay the hell away)))) from people like that, he can light that VERY short fuse on your addiction.
He's full of shyt [like duh] and YOU are way to close to him.
Hit the ground runnin', don't even hesitate.
Penelope Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
Tina, I was freakin out when I saw the title of this post - I thought you were gonna tell us that YOU had decided to use "Every now and then."

I was gonna open up a huge can of Whoop Ass and send it your way...

Sfj Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
I used every now and then.

Now I'd use, and then I'd use some more.

Not too complicated.
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
Tina, I lived 3 years with my husband's every now and again.
Apparently in hindsight my idea of every now and again did not match his.
His idea of every now and again kept him away from his family- even when he was here, he was not here.
His idea of every now and again isolated him from all positive people.
His idea of every now and again cost him his truck- the one he souped up and that the kids bought all kinds of cool stuff for.
His idea of every now and again was one more month of every now and again of costing him his very best friend and wife of 20 years-
one more month -that is all he had left.
And that would have been the best thing his every now and again did.
I don't know that he had one more month of every now and again left- his health was going before my eyes.

Sorry, Hon, but to me when I hear the words every now and again- that the vision I see - of losing all that I held dear to my heart and soul and not a damn thing I could do but watch him go.
Every now and again has a very high price.

His idea now is never again.
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
Has anyone ever KNOWN someone personally who used "every now and then?" and could choose NOT TO USE if they wanted to?

I know one person. But he's really a pot-head hippie at heart, so I don't know if that counts.

Not that I'm looking for proof or anything, but I'm just curious. And very skeptical.
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
My daughter told me that once and I believed her, but now will we all know that truth. 
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
Tina, my husband did not use daily - in his mind it was every now and again because it wasn't daily.
It isn't the amounts used or the frequency of use that makes a person an addict.
It is the getting it after you have sworn time and time again you weren't getting it anymore- it is the putting of the baggie above what was really needed to do with that money- it is the isolation use brings-
whether he used every day, every week, twice a month, it did not matter.
The effects and damage done was the same.
He used when he told himself I'm not using it anymore.
He could not walk away - no matter how much clean time he had.
My husband could get a quarter gram and have it last 2-3 days.
He could then not use for a week , 2 , 3 even- but if it came back around and he had money or could get money or a buddy offered a freebie, he was not walking away.
The desire to use overode all he had sworn to himself that he would not do.

It isn't the amount used or the frequency used- it is the hold it has on you that no matter what you say to yourself, if it's there, you are doing it-
whether you do it that night or the next- no matter.

Do I know of people that can do it every now and again?
Yes- it is every now and again for a lot of reasons- that is all they can find is the biggest one, all they can afford being next.

Now ask if those same people can walk away when it is there in their face?

NO. I know of no one that can just use once in awhile and walk away from freebies.
No matter what promises they made.

My husband is an addict- recovering addict - but an addict all the same.
He can not use every now and again - any use is out of the question. If he uses, he can not walk away from it.
It all begins again.
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?

I like imlostinky's response to you. As far as your question " Has anyone ever KNOWN someone personally who used 'every now and then?' and could choose NOT TO USE if they wanted to?"...

I used to be heavy into meth much like many of you. I've been trying to recover, but I can't say I haven't been using. I've averaged a relapse about once a month for the past year. I would consider that every "once-in awhile". But I won't say that I can successfully choose right now to to not use yet. (we will see at the end of this month.) And yes, imlostinky, most of my relapses come not from me buying it, but from going to a friend's house and having a "freebie" thrown at me to start up my addiction again. I try really hard at the beginnings of the months, and I do well in my recovery, but I always get lazy towards the end and find myself going over to a friend's house again.

Now if you ask me if using once a month is really any better than using all the time... I don't really think so. If I do a yearly evaluation of my recovery, I can now see that I've been spinning my wheels for the last year. Yes, I did get a job, but I still have no free money. My debts aren't any closer to being payed off, and my car is still kept in a state of disarray and mal-mantainence. Also, I just haven't felt that growth inside that I know I should have started feeling. Using once a month gives me a chance to feel a bit better physically, but it leaves out so much of the recovery that I KNOW I need...

Sorry, I guess I really don't know anybody who only uses "every once-in-awhile" (even if it's just once a month like me) who wouldn't put you in a dangerous spot of temptation when that "once-in-awhile" came. Makes me want to do better in my recovery so I'm not one of those real "every once-in-awhile" type people.

Stay Strong!
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
Radical, I have found sometimes that free stuff just costs way too much.
It isn't free.
Every month you pay- just not with cash.

Hang on, hold tight-
and this month visit a different friend
Then it won't be a cycle anymore- you broke the chain.
Just as simple as that- not easy, but that simple.
You can do it Rad.I know you can.
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
Thanks imlostinky,

I understand the simplicity of that statement and I know what I must do. My schedule of relapses would put one RIGHT after the holidays for me, and I definately don't want to lose all my christmas money to meth. I know that I'm the one in control of that schedule and after the holidays I'm going to make sure to either go to a meeting, or go to my best friend's house (has been recovering since before I even started meth and even tried to warn me away from it to begin with).

Stay Strong!
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
Reading down this post and I had very genuine thoughts about getting high. I have over 130 days clean and I know why I visit this web site and let all you people help me stay clean.
Using=active addiction for me. Best for me to not use today.
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?


Best for me to not use today
Best for everybody not to use today- one day at a time.
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
Yeah I used every now and again.......didn't think I had a problem, thats how meth gets you. Its when you can't afford it, can't score or don't want to use anymore that every now and again turns into a full blown addiction that you can't walk away from.

I started off smoking meth every now and again, then I was introduced to the needle and blasted it every now and again. Then when I had no money I'd have sex with a dealer every now and again. Then I'd steal money from my beautiful family every now and again. Notice a pattern??

I was only a little bit addicted....honest....LOL.
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
There you are I have been looking for you for forever-
Good to see you "C" -really good.
Yeah them every now and agains can be a real danger sometimes.
chodbritt Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
i believe i do it every now and then.
but now i dont want to do it at all because of the actions thats im doing because of it
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
I have been entertaining the thought of every now and again for about a month now. I had 9 month's clean and then relapsed Thanksgiving weekend then again Christmas weekend. I keep telling myself I can just do it "ever now and again" but I know that is not true. I am fighting the thought every minute of everyday trying to stay clean now. It had become pretty easy not to think about it all day before I relapsed. Now I'm right back where I started 9 months ago. There is no such thing as every now and again
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
My boyfriend used every now and then and then and then and then and then. Eventually he was crazing it every day. Yes maybe people can use every now and then but it turns into more.
Re: Using Meth Every Now and Then - Casual Use?
I believe "every now and then" is in the eye of the person saying it and it is a lie they tell themselves. Using any amount is too much.

When someone tells me they have been Using Meth Every Now and Then, or occasionally. And then they tell me about how there life if going (to the pits). I ask them, "So how is using working out for you?"

It doesn't work.

See also:

Again...Can you just use meth every now and then?

Can a person be a casual meth user?

Is doing meth casually for a few days doable?

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