My sons teeth have a gray tint - meth mouth?
ma |
Meth Mouth
I noticed a while back my sons teeth have a
"gray" tint to them. Is this something like meth mouth. He used
to have pretty teeth. Does anyone know about how long it takes
for meth to affect the teeth? I did not see that info anywhere.
I really don't need to get my hopes up because he was eating
today and the sores on his face were healing? I do want to say
to everyone thank you so much for talking to me. I am learning
so much that I should have asked a long time ago it seems. I
don't blame myself for his drug use, but I do blame myself for
not seeing it earlier. I really don't have anyone to talk to
other than my sister, she is great. My husband is an alcoholic
so there is not much understanding coming from him. (my sons step dad). |
Replies... |
free |
Re: Meth Mouth
hey, first off none of it is ur fault. u can not
blame yourself for not seeing it soon enough. if he is using then
it is in his hands not yours at all. you know it seems we like
blameing ourselves for everything that someone else does cuz it
is easier that way. but it is in no ways shape or form ur
fault...as far as the teeth well not really sure how long it
takes to start damaging them the only thing i know is it
happens. i now have false teeth and i only used for five years
but my teeth were bad for a couple years before i got my false
teeth i just never done anything abt it. so i guess i can't
really answer ur question but i just wanted to really comment on
u blameing yourself for not seeing it soon enough cuz your not
pschic are you? you don't have esp do you?? didn't think so so
please stop blameing yourself honey. god bless and i wish you
and your family the best!!! |
Guene |
Re: Meth Mouth
Scarema, Just keep coming here for support and
information and remember you couldn't have done anything. Unless
he wants help or even will listen to you it wouldn't have made a
difference anyway. I have given my daughter so much information
and warned her about all the bad things that could happen and
she didn't listen to me. All we can do is hope that one day our
children will want to change there lives, all we can do is let
them know that we love them, but we don't care for what they are
doing to thereselves. |
girl78 |
Re: Meth Mouth
I can answer the meth mouth question, I think. I
only used for about 6 months, and my teeth are in horrible
condition. Granted, my teeth weren't in the best shape before I
started using, but the meth greatly exacerbated the problem.
Especially when I snorted meth, I could literally feel the meth
eating at my back teeth. From what I've heard (not sure how
accurate this is), meth eats away at the enamel on your teeth.
Since I've quit (I also went through a pregnancy after I quit
which also can contribute to dental problems), I've had to have
two teeth pulled, am looking forward to 3 or 4 root canals, a
few crowns, etc., etc., etc. I'm so thankful I've found a
dentist that I like; I used to be deathly afraid of the dentist.
I hope this info helps you out a little bit, and just remember,
your son's addiction is in no way your fault. I know that's
easier said than done. |
banano |
Re: Meth Mouth
Link to a good article on meth mouth!
American Dental association site also has some good info!
Dee |
Re: Meth Mouth
My son also used meth for 3 years. I believe he was
lucky and did not have a lot of dental problems. He has been
clean now (solid) for 8 months. Recently he did have to have a
tooth pulled (molar) he does not have insurance, therefore could
not afford a root canal or a crown. He was in a lot of pain
until he could get in to have the tooth pulled. Sorry but we
were not going to pay for a crown or root canel due to his meth
use. The tooth had cracked due to his meth use. As of now his
teeth still seem healthy, like I said he was lucky.
I haven't been on the board in awhile but Ryan is doing very
well for those of you that remember me. For those of you who
don't, hang in there. It's not easy for a parent to watch their
child throw away their life on meth or to see them become a
different person. My son had so much anger in him from coming
down all the time. It was hard to be around him. Everything was
everyone else's fault and etc.
8 months later (present) he is a different person, kind of like
the person he was before meth. Kind, loving, considerate and
etc. However a meth user will NEVER be the person they were, so
please do not expect that. His past continues to follow him with
job interviews, but he is overcoming that. His arrest for
possession will be up in November. No longer on his record Even
though his charge was dropped to misdeamers, it still shows up
on a background check and companies will not hire him. He is
working with Michigan works right now and they are helping place
him. If any one is interested, there is a program through
Michigan works to help people who have been arrested. There is
also a program called WIA through Michigan works that helps
those with low income (my son) there is grant money for
education, books, gas millage, clothes for work and etc. My son
qualified for that and will be taking his A+ certification test
(they pay for that also) and hopefully will get a good job after
the test. He is bright with a high IQ, he just wasn't to bright
while making the choice for meth, but we don't dwell on his
past. We try to think positive for his future. But trust me when
I say it has not been easy at all. Alot of tears from his
family, alot of frustration and wondering if there would ever be
light at the end of the tunnel for our son. Right now we see
light and for that I am thankful.
I wish all of you the best for overcoming this horrible
addiction. Don't give up on the addict, they need you even if
they say they don't. |
See also:
Dental / Meth Mouth Signs of Crystal Meth Use
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