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Is it normal to gain weight when you quit?

Lucky Is it normal to gain this much weight when you quit......?
Has anyone else gained a lot of weight since quitting meth? I've gained about 50 pounds. I'm uncomfortable, depressed and tired all the time now. I really think it was easier quitting dope than food! Anyone else feel this way?
Loraura Re: Is it normal to gain this much weight when you quit.....
Here's some information I put together regarding recovering from meth, and weight gain.

Meth Recovery and Weight Gain
Penel0pe Re: Is it normal to gain this much weight when you quit.....
It's pretty normal, unfortunately. My first sponsor said "Look at it as a badge of courage."

All I see it as is a bunch of fat! However, I would rather be fat and clean then sucked up and sick again.

I gained a certain amount of weight within about 5 - 6 months, and never gained another pound... I lose a few here and there, but have stayed the same weight since the initial weight gain when I first got clean.

A lot of people here say that exercise really helped them get through the early recovery weight gain, energy loss, and depression. I wish I would have gone that route!

Anyway - fat is better than tweaked - THAT much I can tell you.
Sfj Re: Is it normal to gain this much weight when you quit.....
It is very common, but it is not essential or required. There are some, a minority of meth users who do not gain weight excessively.
I feel that the self-control, and discipline required to quit using meth could also be used for other objectives, such as quitting tobacco, and even getting one's weight under control. It can be done, I'm doing it. I went to rehab and CMA to get clean and stay clean from meth. I go to Weight Watchers and aerobics class to get my weight under control.
To me, it is simply a matter of using what you have (some desire for self-discipline) and seeking out those who have what you want. The formula works.

I'd love to have a discussion about it on this forum, but believe me, people get a whole bunch more defensive about protecting their right to be overweight or obese than they do about protecting their right to use drugs. It is an extremely sensitive issue here.

Do you think people are ready to discuss such things without getting hostile, dramatic or offended or offensive?

I'm wondering what others think?
Penel0pe Re: Is it normal to gain this much weight when you quit.....
Do you think people are ready to discuss such things without getting hostile, dramatic or offended or offensive?

I for one would NOT get hostile. I am physically limited as to what kind of exercise I can do (Walking is out, for example,) but I think you are right - if we can overcome addiction, we can overcome anything.

As far as quitting smoking, I promise not to get defensive... I'm not ready to do that because I am scared to death I will gain more weight... nice excuse, eh?

lax2 Re: Is it normal to gain this much weight when you quit.....
Weight gain/management is definitely meth recovery related topic!!! And yes It is part of most, if not all, peoples recovery from a meth addiction. LoAura thank you for the info on the subject/. The slower metabolism explains it well. Now I want another reward, er cookie
Re: Is it normal to gain this much weight when you quit.....
I gained 30 lbs in the first couple of weeks after quitting meth. Of course, I needed it. I was 85 lbs, and I'm only 5'3", and shrinking.

I leveled off, but was still a bit overweight for me, though I didn't care because I felt so much better than I did when I was using.

Then I tried to quit smoking and I got bigger than I've ever been in my life; bigger than I was when I was full term pregnant with my son.

I'm smoking still, and I've been able to stay at a good weight for me, but then, I've always had good metabolism.

Anyway, it's normal. If you have gained so much that you are uncomfortable, try exercise and watching your fat intake.

How long have you been clean? If you are newly clean, don't be too hard on yourself. Your body is still trying to adjust and it will take awhile before it levels off.
Lucky Re: Is it normal to gain this much weight when you quit.....
Hi guys, Thanks for all the advice and comments, I'm glad its normal, lol. I've been clean now for just over 6 months and I do feel a lot better. I can see things clearer or so it seems. Thanks again
Re: Is it normal to gain this much weight when you quit.....
I been so lucky to only gain 10 pounds. However, I do work out every other day.  And I drink lots of water.  Just go out & get active. It really helps
Re: Is it normal to gain this much weight when you quit.....
I can see things clearer or so it seems.

I can see clearly now    the rain is gone
I can see all obstacles    in my way
Gone are the dark clouds that had me down
It's going to be a bright, bright sun-shinny day

I think I can make it now    the pain is gone
all of the bad feelings have    disappeared
Here is that rainbow I've been waiting for
It's going to be a bright, bright sun-shinny day

WOW. I did that from what's left of my memory. There's more to it, I'm sure.

Anyway, yeah. Feeling everything kind of sucks, actually, but it's life on, I know, life's terms.

Argh. I'm glad I'm clean. I'm glad I don't use anymore.
That's all I know.

Re: Is it normal to gain this much weight when you quit.....
I've gained about 35 lbs. in the last few years!!!
There's NO reason why...and there's NO excuse!
I'm the one who needs to get with a program...running and EATING MORE doesn't cut it!

I have followed Weigh Watcher's and lost a pretty easy 18 lbs. though, so I'll have to agree with that lifestyle change.
Re: Is it normal to gain this much weight when you quit.....
Hey Lucky
My boyfriend gained weight right after and then sort of plateaued. But we will take weight gain over meth any day. It is better to be clean and concentrate on recovery. You can deal with the weight loss later.

See also:

Question about Weight gain when getting off meth?

Why the weight gain when you get clean of meth?

Did you start Meth to lose weight like me?

Using Meth and Gaining Weight

Female Meth addict struggling with weight issues

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