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Meth and Ovarian Cancer

Dingo Meth and Ovarian Cancer...
Did my ex-wifes 13 year meth use contribute or cause her Ovarian Cancer? Total Hysterectomy. Stage 3. She is 47. An active addict going through that operation was very stressful on the body. They lost her once in recovery.
cindyalex Re: Meth and Ovarian Cancer...
I wouldn't think so... People get cancer, my Mom was dx 6 years ago with ovarian cancer and given no hope.... She went thru 3 treatments, any more would have probably killed her at her age... and after almost 5 yrs she relasped and went thur surgery and light doses of chemo and right now still in remission...
Hope she does well, it's going to be rough...
Dingo Re: Meth and Ovarian Cancer...
Thanks Cindy and yes it has been rough. Had she not been an addict, she would have caught it sooner with regular checkups. Used to be a health nut.
Cute too. Resembled a healthy Meg Ryan! Not today.
Re: Meth and Ovarian Cancer...
Dunno. But I used meth, meth used me, for 13 years.
Eight years into it I was diagnosed with Stage 4 cervical cancer.
Three years later, I was diagnosed with Stage 4 ovarian cancer on the right side.
Did meth cause it?
Re: Meth and Ovarian Cancer...
i'd say, it at least multiplied her odds of getting it like a mother @#%$. Ive run into and heard about a lot of longstanding tweakers getting cancer. Just my opinion....im surprised the body can survive something like meth


Re: Meth and Ovarian Cancer...


....im surprised the body can survive something like meth
Yeah, it survives, but it is never the same again.
I have numerous long term health issues thanks to my own idiotic thinking. My own sick thinking after I was hooked.
But cancer runs real heavy on my mom's side of the family, so I don't know.
I know this: it didn't help matters any, that's for sure. It is, afterall, poison.
Dingo Re: Meth and Ovarian Cancer...
I agree. It has for sure made her recovery/survival more difficult. I doubt that she was straight with the doctors about her addiction. Thanks
Re: Meth and Ovarian Cancer...
That's one thing I never did: lie to my doctors. I figured they needed all the ammunition and knowledge of what they were up against in order to do any good.

Especially the surgeons and the anesthesiologists!
Dingo Re: Meth and Ovarian Cancer...
For some reason or all reasons, she went flat line in recovery. They had to dig the attending physician out of bed to get her stabilized. Might have been a blessing if she had died.

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