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Can someone define a drug "run"?


Can someone define a drug "run"?
what goes on during a run, precisely please? i know they leave the door and are out and about, but out and about WHERE? and doing exactly WHAT?

i mean where do they sleep (if they sleep) or crash? what are they doing for a whole week when they disappear.

how can someone fill up that much time doing nothing?

what happens on a run besides scoring? it sounds so scary

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
Here, "on a run" refers to either:
a) making product
b) selling product
c) doing product
From what I've witnessed, a lot of that time is spent waiting for "designated person(s)" to show up. Some do and some don't. If all goes smoothly, a "run" for a or b could be shorter than a week - longer if things don't go smoothly.
As for sleep, anywhere from a couch in some strangers house to the car one is in or even in some outbuilding for a or b.

For c, "on a run" hasn't been that time frame of a week for those I know or me. Talking, eatting, dawdling away time, shopping, riding in the car, studying, working...those are the things I know of.

Some of it yes, when it comes down to the caliber of people involved, meaning if someone is reporting to a boss of sorts, yes, it can be scarey. Same if there is stealing or making involved. Some of the places one winds up can be and sometimes are "booby-trapped" in case someone comes on the property unannounced.

That's what I've been around myself. I hope somehow this helps.

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
start using and don't stop until out of dope or you fall out.

i would usally be at parties comparing drugs with other knuckelheads this could lead into days.sometimes end up in other towns and sometimes other states.

most of the time we would be working on bikes and partying thought we got alot done.
thats just what me and other guys i know did.
i can't wait to see how this goes

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
My longest run on dope was 8 months, it was after loosing my son. VERY SELF DESTRUCTIVE at that time. Speedballs were my thing.

It took me 6 months to poop right again. Sorry, TMI (too much information)

My last run on dope only lasted a night.

I used to run dope from state to state for like a few years.

Too pooped to run anymore.

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
My Run would last a week the most.

I was usually HIGH 24/7 and being locked in someone's garage and shooting meth/sex. When I was on the run I wouldn't call home, show up to work or even acted like I had a family. It was all about me and my dope.

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
A RUN, on my side of the world, is the amount of time that elapses between your first line and your last....before you crash.
....the amount of time you spend awake.
before you come down.

if you sleep and jump up and do more...and do't come down
.......for months...that's a run on a larger scale.

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
Good Golly, I'd be dead!!
My stuff was heroin and speed, I slammed daily for 8 months. I did 4/5 hits a day during that. That, for me, was my worst run with dope.

The longest I stayed up on speed alone was probably 3 maybe 4 days. I'd use heroin to come down.

NO WAY did I stay up for 8 months!!!

I only slammed meth in the end, I didn't like it, too intense. Sorted/smoked coke, crank first, before slamming, but drank during that time too. Toyed with heroin before getting 'really' addicted to it.

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
my longest time awake was 13 days.
.....my longest period i used everyday, was 7 years..
then lost everything..cleaned up, repeat.

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
A run is from the time you do your first hit until you fall asleep.

Sometimes it's a couple of days. Sometimes it's a couple of weeks.

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
I never made any products, but a run can also be running dope, moving it from place to place.

"I'm making a run."

Like suz said, depending on where you come from.
A case of beer here is called a "rack", half-case.. "half-rack".
Soda here is a fountain drink.
Pop is what you buy in a can.

In Cali (saci anyway) a soda is a can or glass or cup of pop.
I LOVE the english language... it's so confusing.

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
Yep, language is weird. All carbonated fountain drinks here are called Coke, unless you're ordering something specifically different at a restaraunt.

Also, we didn't tweak in these here parts. We geeked. Now, if that doesn't sound stupid, I don't know what does.

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
Do dope.
Smoke cigarettes.
Do more dope.
Smoke more cigarettes.
Steal shyt.
Do more dope
Clean shyt.
Do more dope.
Fix shyt.
Do more dope.
Have sex.
Smoke more cigarettes.
Do more dope.
Dumpster dive.
Do more dope.

Do you see a pattern here?

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
A run for me started with that first hit up until the last hit before I crash. The run ended when I was able to fall asleep ... usually 3 days after that first hit. Go to sleep for a day or two.. Then start a new run.

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
Where do they go: To be with other dope heads
What are they doing: Anything or nothing at all, but mainly more dope
Where do they sleep: At other dope heads houses

One thing you have to remember is a dope head has no sense of time what so ever. A day can seem like an hour.

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
doing a run is different than a run.

......doing a run, is going to get it, or give it

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
to me a run was the time i started till the time i stopped and managed to get a reasonable amount of clean time in . . with sleeping and eating in between . . 3 days was all my body could handle on a daily basis . however once i felt better id go back again .. this could go on for any amount of time. my last 'run' was 6 weeks of intermittent use.i guess a run means different things to different folks. whatever its all YUCKO
le grumps

Re: Can someone define a drug "run"?
My longest "run" of daily use was 3 years. I usually slept a little every day because I was a "functional" addict. I was slamming only the last 6 months... and it was only then that I felt completely lost and out of control... that is when I knew I was a slave. When I was slamming I thought I was "still in good shape" if it had only been 3 days since I slept.

My longest continuous run without sleep was just shy of three weeks. I never thought it was possible to do that. I had a dealer who said he could go weeks without sleep, but I thought he was just full of it. But eventually I had to start checking the calendar on my cell phone and counting days backwards to find out when I last slept. I kept procrastinating on sleeping, and then it got to the point where I was afraid to go to sleep, I thought I would have "nightmares that were too bad".

Then when I finally did sleep, I woke up after three hours and I was so angry. I was possessed.

I only got 4 hours of sleep last night, but I slept good. My sheets were clean and cool, my pillows are soft, my duvet the perfect combination of cool and warm. I wouldn't trade that for the world.

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