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Meth Cravings after 7 years?


After hearing about SFJ clean for 7 yrs., wondering about cravings?

First of all, WAY TO GO Sfj for your amazing recovery! It is nothing less than fantastic to hear success stories from us loved ones.

I'm wondering to all of you who have been clean/sober for say, 5 years or more....Do the cravings ever TOTALL subside or stop?
Are there triggers that happen even decades later? Or does it slowly die and fade away over time? Just wondering.
I know you hear about people that can and do relapse decades later after being clean, but are they few and far between after
having such a good amount of clean time? I recall our addiction counselor (recovering heroin addict for 31 yrs.) said he could PROBABLY
stop going to meetings at this point in his life without wanting or feeling the need to use again...Your insights?



Re: After hearing about SFJ clean for 7 yrs., wondering about cravings?

I honestly couldn't tell you the last time I had a craving as it's been years. As for triggers, I've watched a few episodes of Intervention where it really tore at my heart, but no cravings there either.

As for stopping meetings, that isn't an option for me, regardless of length of time in recovery. I relate my meetings to a heart patient taking his/her meds. That's an important component to my recovery.

Granted I have balance today in my life and don't do 5 meetings a week like I used to (which we don't have that many locally anymore either), but that's where I get my spiritual battery recharged, and always hear something I need to hear.


Re: After hearing about SFJ clean for 7 yrs., wondering about cravings?

Seriously, I have no cravings at all. NONE.
In fact, due to my work and the area I'm in, I run across meth all the time.

I've found full baggies in the parking lot and I just pick them up and walk over to the trash can and throw it away.

I visited an "old friend" who lit up a meth pipe in front of me, he passed it over to me and I politely said, "No Thanks."

And other similar situations.
That part of my life is behind me now.

I graduated from kindergarten many years ago.
I graduated from Jr. High School and so on.
Those were all memorable experiences, just like quitting meth.
But I'm past that and have no desire to go through the experience again.

I still work a rigorous program. I went to eight meeting last week. I usually only go to five, but sometimes special events and happenings are deemed worthy.

The miracles of nature are incredible.
The human body is constantly healing itself, replacing cells at an astonishing rate.
After seven years, the human body replaces all of its cells. That's billions and billions of cells.
Not one cell in my body has ever experienced meth. And that's just fine with me.



Re: After hearing about SFJ clean for 7 yrs., wondering about cravings?

sfj I just love that...what you just wrote about our bodies replacing the cells...
I am definately going to remember that !!
( I am 6 months from being halfway there)


Re: After hearing about SFJ clean for 7 yrs., wondering about cravings?

(I've seen sfj jonesin' for Starbucks in the past, with my own eyes.)

Now, I'm not sure that he's doing that anymore - but I clearly remember the first time we met - STARBUCKS.

I remember waiting in line once at a Starbucks, discussing a book that reminded sfj of Suz, and the discussion about how we should get that book for her over a cup of Starbucks coffee.

I want to say that he liked Caramel Macchiatos. I have CRS, so the fine details are blurry.

I remember trying to keep up with sfj on more than one occasion enroute to Starbucks, and thinking that he walked a lot faster than many people can run.

I kinda feel like there was some kinda "First name basis" stuff going on at one of the Starbucks we went to once - a familiarity with the Staff there...

No, wait... that was Hooters.

Never once do I recall sfj saying anything about craving meth, though. Of that I am 100% certain.

I have a great picture of sfj with a salad on his head, if anyone is interested.


Re: After hearing about SFJ clean for 7 yrs., wondering about cravings?

Dear mlg,

Cravings only occur within a short time frame after your last use, 1-30 days. After that it
is the obsession to want to use.


Re: After hearing about SFJ clean for 7 yrs., wondering about cravings?

Now you know SFJ how I admire you and your recovery but you really have no cravings at all ? I think that all of us whether clean for a day or 20 years have some cravings even if they are sub conscious ..


Re: After hearing about SFJ clean for 7 yrs., wondering about cravings?

The thought of using meth is repugnant to me, Robby.

I still believe in you, even if you don't (Yet.)

See also:

How do you make the Meth cravings go away?

Recovery vs. Abstaining in reducing meth cravings

I want to quit meth, but I can't fight the cravings

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