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Methamphetamine: Stories and Letters of the Hidden Costs
by Users, Loved Ones, and Parents

  My story of how meth is ruining my family's life
   Hello, my name is Angela. I have been married to the man who stole my heart for four years and I've been with him for nine years. We have three beautiful children together. They are my life, and mine alone. My husband has been using meth for a
while now and its getting really out of control. Im the only one that works now. I dont make much at all. I cant pay my bills cause he is stealing everything from me to get more. He doesnt even act like himself anymore. I've asked him to stop, if not for me then for the kids that adore him and he said he didnt want to. He doesnt have a problem according to him. We dont have any appliances anymore, he sold the washer and dryer, the couch, all our tvs, and my car. The car was sold for $50. He never sleeps and the kids wonder why. I dont know what to say to them. They shouldnt have to be going thru this. Its tearing me apart cause its like he's dying and someone else that is cold hearted and selfish is moving in. I dont know what to do. Most of the time he's gone. I have no phone or transportation when he leaves. My heads telling me to get away from him but my hearts telling me to stay and try to help him. To bring back the person i once knew. But i dont want to loose my kids in the process or see them get hurt. He owes people money, one of his close friends came to the house one night with a gun looking for him. of course he wasnt there, that guy said he was going to find him and make him give him his money or another hit. I heard one of his conversations between the two of them one night that guy came over, they went outside to talk. My husband thought i was asleep, but i was listening to them at the window. The guy told my husband that if he didnt pay him back one way or the other that he was going to get payment from me and was going to make him watch. Im so scarred. I'd do anything for my husband. I love him. But i dont know if i could handle that. Please help, i dont know what to do.
--scared in Alabama

Selected e-mails will be published monthly.  The purpose and intent is to discourage methamphetamine use.  If you would like to contribute, see the bottom of this page.

What families of meth addicts go thru
   I'm a 34 year old sister of a Meth user. He has caused my parents life to be a living hell not to mention the worry and heartache his sisters feel constantly. It's hard for me to be sympathetic to meth users and my brother in particular when he pops his own fifty four year old mother up side the head and makes her head bleed. Maybe it's cuz the drugs made him mad but to tell the truth I do not care why. Luckily my other two sisters live near to my parents and one was home to call the cops. Once he thru a bottle thru the window and nearly hit my dad and glass flew everywhere....he has torn down the Christmas tree with precious family ornaments , stolen family possesions to sell and pawn, been so many times to jail he's on the verge of going to prison and well that is the only time there is any peace at home is when he's gone, his constant arguing and bickering and yelling and threatening to beat the hell out of ya. Life with a meth user sucks! Extremely painful and heartbreaking because ya love him but he hurts you so many times ya just don't care anymore.

   Hi i am a mother of 2.i was married to my kids dad for about 5 1/2 yrs. He was a user of all drugs and beer you name it he did it. He could not keep a job, i lost jobs because he wouldn't come home at nights. When he did have a job on Fridays(payday) he wouldn't come home til sometimes Sunday nights if even then. he would spend all of his pay check out partying. i lived about 5 hrs from my home town i moved away with him because he said if i cared about our marriage and wanted to save it i would go, so i did and 11 months later i was back home with mom and dad divorcing him. drugs are everywhere you look heard enough you'll find it and know the right people he found it no matter where we was. When we didn't have any food for our kids i would have to borrow from mom and dad just for my kids to eat, because he spent it all on drugs and partying. i finally took my 2 kids and left him in 1995 i couldn't take it anymore. I remarried in 1998 to a good man who took me and my 2 kids in with no questions asked.
The ex husband pays no child support only works for cash. He just remarried about a month ago to a woman with 2 kids her self. He has not changed at all. as a matter of fact i think hes worse. About 3 yrs ago he was living our home town and i was told by a good friend that he was using meth now and that he just about blew up his friends house making this stuff why he was at work. Needless to say that friend made him leave and he got ahold of me to let me know what was going on, because my 2 kids would go visit him and stay with him at times.
   That's the reason why i left him was to kids my kids away from that. and i didn't know if he was doing that stuff with my kids there or not. he says he loves his kids very much, but my opinion. if you love someone that much why would you do things like this and hurt the ones you love. My kids are older now 13yrs and 16yrs they know what their dad is about. I'm very thankful for leaving him when i did, but in the other hand I'm sad for my kids because one day they are going to be going to their dads funeral. Thank god for all this information on the Internet. And reading all these letters with people saying they have a problem keep in mind its a start admitting the problem.
Everyone with this problem stay strong and don't leave you kids motherless or fatherless. Remember you suffer from the addiction the kids suffer from the pain.......
--P in -IL

   Well, if you are reading this you have probably been affected by meth...Myself, I dont know a whole lot of time in my life where drugs have not been a factor. First off ,growing up as a child I was raised by two very hard working loving parents who were human and did all they could to give us things and do things for us...As a child I always admired my brothers, you see I was this overweight little girl who people stepped over and rarely picked to be involved in things. However my brothers ,well they were another story. The boys as we'll call them could do it all !They were jocks, they played soccer ,tball later softball ,football if they did it they were generally good at it. My mom ,dad and I woke up many saturday mornings to sit in the rain or sun to watch them play. Their teams made championships. My mom put alot of love into making sure they were warm and had plenty of what they needed. My father ran the sidelines to support them and even coached and co- coached. My youngest brother was small and agile and an amazing soccer goaly. My other brother was not as agile but a very skilled football player who probably could have written his own ticket to college.During our mid teens somethings fell apart for my parents. Sad but true divorce happens. The reason I want to say these things is because I want you to know that people on meth are people's brothers ,uncles ,sons grandsons and many were raised to not be addicts but good people with families who raised them to be productive. In my brother's early teens, while my parents were married they began experimenting with alcohol and drugs. The experimentation led my brothers to a large group of people who had alot of addiction issues and during my parents divorce I really believe my brothers addopted addicts as like a sort of pseudo family. Currently I am 40 and at least half of my life I have cried, pleaded and helped, hoping they would see how special they are and how they are truly loved and have the power within them to stop.
   My older brother we'll call him Sam went to treatment at 16 both my parents,my younger brother and I traveled on the weekend to see him at that time the problem seemed to be alcohol. Unfortunately he didnt stay clean or stay in recovery long. My younger brother well call him Ray he was an addict at early age and truth known he probably could have used recovery also in his early teen years. Ray was stealing and selling things for marijuanna at 14 or 15. For some kids these behaviors dont hang on and for me they didnt ever keep my attention long, although I never tried meth. Thankfully! My drug of choice was speed and I researched meth and thought never will I do it because I may not wanna stop it. Thank you Jesus! All of us became parents, sadly enough I am the only person with my children. Ray has lost his and I am not sure if he will be able to get them back. The other night I saw Sam, I was with my daughter and it hit me that for years weve been growing apart at times I feel close to him but then I realize the dangers and the pain that the drug causes to my own life and I have to let go. Sam is one of the most handsome men I have ever seen in my life very charming and skilled like our dad. Ray is one of the kindest men I have ever known in my life the most painful thing for me is that I know how he is living and what he has done to his life is killing him. The woman he has chosen is nothing like I would have expected and she too has chosen drugs over her children to date, how I havent a clue she just has. The only thing I can say is meth must just take your whole soul the way I am starting to see it is, that my brothers left their bodies years ago. Now glimmers of themselves sneak in and out surely there are times when they wish they could beat the drug and feel that way until they use again. My career choice has been psychology and the horror of what I have seen is more than I can bare at times rarely do people get off meth and if they do it seems like there lifestyle still reflects the behaviors and quirks of when they were using. The cleanest of meth users often resemble the term 'dry drunk' from what I see. Sam's son who he isnt raising is with my mother who has more love for that little boy then I will ever be able to share with him even after she has left us. He asked mom (grandma) why Uncle Rays kids have been taken from him and mom said, because people on drugs cant be mommies and daddies, his response was," oh so thats how you got me"! Out of the mouths of babes. You bet it is how we got him and we have been so blessed since 12/99 with his presence and wisdom. As a mom I wanted a son, I have 3 beautiful daughters . Instead of giving me a son Jesus gave me a wonderful little nephew. My cup runneth over! Please know that if you have people in this life on meth be careful. More than half my life I have watched my family try to love them enough for them to quit. In the past I always helped this time when my brothers children were removed he made mean allegations against me and was just unbelievably hareful with his words . People on meth dont want to be mean they truly just arent in the shell you see walking and talking. Meth has completely consumed them to the point where when they see their family hurting, children removed, parents crying they still cant care they are just not in there. My only hope when writing this letter is that someone may be helped with my words. God is amazing. Love knows no boundaries. Letting go is your only way to real peace. So in this month of September 2005 I am learning to remember the two super little people who were my brothers. When I see my nephews and know that they are still living in a tough world. We will share my great memories of family vacations ,early mornings at Christmas's wonderful things and I will remind them that its hard to go on but that their fathers were good men addicted to a horrible drug. Please be strong and if you have powers in the world we live in, help make laws, groups programs that helps the families and the babies that this drug hurts. Make treatment accessible easily. Thanks for your time and God Bless you.

How Meth Has Wrecked My Life and My Daddys Life
   Hi i am a 17 year old girl, my dad has been using meth and many other drugs for who knows how long. it all started when he lost his job of 15 years because he was dealing and doing meth. so his whole life turned into a downward spiral. my mom wanted to give him a second chance so she let him stay with us for a while in that period of time my uncle and dads best friend died of an overdose. that triggered his urge to drink again. me and my sister got home from school one day to find my dads beer cans spread around our house and him no where to be found. so we went looking for the rest of the beer and found it in the garage along with a bottle of rumplemanns. we were crying and emptying out the beer and threw the bottle on the ground konwing he wasnt getting help like he was telling us for so long. after that my mom didnt want to worry about him and told him he couldnt stay here anymore. so he moved out and bought an appartment for him and one of my cousins. about 2 weeks later we got a police call early in the morning asking if we knew a "John"we said yes thats my dad and the officer said "is he a meth addict" and we said mabey why and he told us that some lady had called the poliece because there was a man in her house telling her he was in the FBI and 2 guys were chaising him. they found his truck 2 miles away from the ladys house, running and doors open. it was very cold that night and he has on shorts. the police didnt do anything to him which made me soo mad. but the next day we went over there to see him. he looked sick and so bad i started crying because i had never seen him high like that he hid it sooo good i tried asking him why and how he could do that and he just wouldnt answer me he kept avoiding me. eventually after a few days of slepping he answered me and told me because he wanted to kill himself. he said he did an "eightBall" ?? i dont even know what that is but i guess its alot. he told me he would never do it again and he was sorry once again. but after hearing it sooo many times it means nothing to me. so after that whole incident i was very hurt and scared that he would do it again. and i was right. like 3 weeks later he made me come to his house so we could spend time together, so i did . but when i got there he was leaving to go fishing and said he would be home around 10 so i said ok. i fell asleep and woke up at about 12:30 and he wasnt there so i called him and he said he was at my house(my ma and sis were out of town) so i asked him to come home because i didnt want to stay at his house alone so he said he would be there in 15 min. i went back to bed and the same thing happened about 4 times each with a new excuse of why he couldnt come home. so at about 11am he got home the next morning and i had called my mom to ask her to come get me the whole time i was waiting for her he was outside in the garage with the doors locked and wouldnt talk to me. i dont understand why his drugs are so much more important than me. he has a problem and doesnt even want to fix it. it hurts sooooooooooooooo much that he will never understand why i have all this anger built up inside for him. he doesnt realize how much it affects me. that wasnt the end of his high daze. about 2 months after his last overdose we found out from the police that he had thrown a computer through his front window. he told the cops 2 men were holding me and my sister hostige and they were going to hurt us. so he threw the computer at them he had also broke a few legs off the dining room tabel to use as weapons to try and free us. the cops brought him to the psych ward then to detox. he called us when he got home and thanked us for comming to the hospital fo visit him. although we were never even there. theres a few other things my dad has done but these were the ones i remember the most because they were the ones that hurt the most. to this day about 1 1/2 years later my dad is without a job and getting money who knows how. he always has some bullshit excuse. i dont like being with my dad anymore. yes i love him and always will but hes hurt me soooo much and lied soooo much it just is to much for me. i never want to be like him and if im not around him i wont be under so much stress and constant worry that i wont have to turn to something as fucked up as drugs. i hate every drug user out there how could you be so selfish to put yourself and your family through this you have no right to do that. i just dont understand i worry every day that im gonna get that phone call from the cops saying "your dad has died of an overdose" and sometimes i wish that day would come sooner that others so that i wont have to put my life on hold anymore to be there for him and spend all this time with him so i know he is doing the right thing. im only 17 i shouldnt be worried about what my dads doing he should be worried about me but the roles are switched. i just wish he could be honest with me and i wish i could hear him say "i love you cassie" and i wish i could say "i love you too daddy" but i know that will never happen. his drugs mean soo much more to him. over the past year i have watched wither away to nothing. hes put me and my ma and sis through so much heartache and hurt that we dont know what to do anymore. i just want my daddy back. and my uncle. thanks for reading this it helped wrighting about because i know someone else is going through the same thing. bye

   Hi. I am an 18 year old girl who can't help but wonder how someone could do Meth after what happen to my brother and his wife. I have never once smoked, snorted, or injected meth, but my brother is a different story. He has been a user since he was in the 8th grade. Last year he got his girlfriend pregnant, and she is a user also. When she was pregnant, her and my brother went on a two week "spree" and did meth constantly. Through out her whole pregancy her and my brother did meth. She also drank alcohol, and God knows what else. At the end of July of 2004 my grandmother died. That very same night my brother, his wife and me and my husband went out to eat. My brother bought a bottle of Crown Royal and pour some into her sonic cup and she drank every bit of it. Later on that night they went out and done dope. Then, 10 days later my neice was born 2 months premature. She weighed 2 lbs. and 7 oz. My brother could fit his wedding ring over her leg. She was in the hospital for a very long time. When she finally got out of the hospital, she was on all kinds of medicine and machines. She was in and out of the hospital and soon she begin to have seziures. By May she was on liquid valium. Then one night while her parents were asleep in the same bed, she either had a seziure or choked on her own vomit and she passed away 2 weeks before her 1st birthday. She is better off now with God and my grandmother. The thing that makes me mad is tha my brother and his wife are still continuing to use meth. Do they not realize that is why their baby girl is dead? I hope this story helps some of you that want help because meth isn't only effecting your life, it is effecting your children, your parents, and everyone who cares about you.

tried it for a while
   hi,im a 25 yr old single mom of 2.i had never tried meth untill i met my last boyfriend.he moved into the apartment above me.i thought he was great.i worked till midnight and even though he had to be at work at 7 am,he always waited up for me and would stay up with me till 3 0r 4 am.he was extremely neat and clean and very well groomed.we moved in together and soon after he told me about his habit.he made it seem like it wasnt a big deal and he did it for motivation and energy.i tried it and hated it.but to bond i started doing it more.and started likeing it a lot.we would spend 200 a week on it,he would hide it from me,but if i found it,id smoke it all up.i craved it and felt like i couldnt get anything done without it.i suffered severe depression when we were out,and i always had to smoke weed to take the edge off,but when the weed ran out watch out,i was super bitch.i said mean and hatefull things to him and others and isolated myself from my family and friends.i left him 3 months ago,just couldnt take it anymore,tried to get away from it.now here i am,no car,no job liveing with mom again,all because the only thing i cared about was smokeing meth.oh god help me but i still want it,i just dont have a connection any more or financial means to do it,thank god.i take pain pills when i can get em to try to fill the missing void of meth.i loved it.it made me confident happy and productive around the house.will this craveing ever end?my innocence was stolen by this drug,the last 6 months of my kids life were just a blur.my god but im weak and if it was sitting in front of me id do it.i wish id never tried it.i take energy and caffeine pills to try and get that feeling but meth gives you such a sense of well being that other stuff dosent.i never had even met any one that did this drug before my ex,i was so naive and dumb.my heart aches all the time for something to fill it.i am so depressed.please dont mess with meth.youll never be the same

My daughter
   My daughter met a meth user 14 years ago at the age of 22. She had a beautiful daughter age 3 from a previous marriage. This guy was a smooth talker and she really fell hard for him. Troubles started as she got involved with that killer drug and things have gotten progressively worse over the past 14 years. She had a set of beautiful twins from this guy. A boy and girl who just turned 12 years old. Her older daughter has lived with me for the past 3+ years and graduated. She is a beautiful girl who doesnt understand why her Mom whom she loves soo much does not see or even call her on a regular basis. Heck, it sometimes is a year before we hear from her and wonder if she is okay. We have no address we can even write her at or send her a birthday card or phone number that lasts more than a short period of time. She lives in sheds and meth users houses. Has had to sleep in cars when her loving man has other things he'd rather do than be with her. Her other children were brought to there dad's parents house about 5 years ago by him and he had her sign some paper giving his parents temporary custody till they could straighten themselves out. That was a joke. She got away from him a couple of times. and worked for almost a year while staying with me most of that time. He couldnt stand her doing good and he went to her jjob and intimitidated her boss. you know the tough guy act. He eventually got her fired as who wants to deal with this guy. Then she was gone for quite a while again and he brought her dog here. I am assuming these people try to alienate you from everyone you care about and then they have you in the palm of their hand to do with you as they please and keep you from making anything of yourself. She also came back again, when she was tired of his ----- and went to a career college and graduated with honors and got a job. In the time she went to school, she had to have security guards walk her to her car as he showed up at the school on numerous occassions. After graduating she got a job at a doctors office and the nurse and secretary were informed about what this boyfriend had done. that includes mental and physical abuse. One day the nurse called and said he came to the job and said she needed to go with him to take care of something and she would be back. this was the 2nd day and no one at the job had seen or heard from her. Needless to say that was the last of her at that job. Since then, she has been out of the work force and out of the living force. She is not allowed to see her children and when he goes to see them at his parents house, her girlfriend says she begs him to take her with him, and he says no and she just crys. The girl cant believe she has anything to do with him. last year, she was arrested for having a friends son 19 years old, in her car at a fast food restaurant where his sister worked. While they were parked, this boyfriend???? came in with his brother driving and ran up on them and had a knife at this guys throat. His sister got in between as he had priviously knocked her brothers front teeth out and he was afraid of him and had a rifle in the car. Supposedly he had no bullets for it. My daughter had a billy club under her seat and said it was for protection against him. He had split her nose and her head and knocked her around numerous times before. Anyway, after threatening the guy and his sister, he slashed both passenger side tires on my daughters car and took offf. Apparently, according to a police report, he stopped a patrol car passing by and said there was a guy with a girl and the guy was waving a rifle around. They pulled in searched my daughters car and arrested them both for weapons. I went to the jail to see my daughter a couple of days later when I heard about this and she said "Dont get me out, I feel safer in jail. He threatened if she ever left him, she'd be found in a shallow grave on the side of the road. I did not bail her out and when she went to court I asked the deputy who arrested them, why the( ex or whatever he is ) wasnt also arrested and he said he didnt do anything and i asked who he thought slashed her tires and he said probably him. I never did understand how that -----gets away with everything he does wrong and believe me theres been alot. he has never had a real job in the whole 14 years and never paid rent for any home for them to live in. She was doing so well without him and frankly I dont understand why she would stay in that kind of terrible situation and lose all her kids and other family members for him and those drugs. Why do people ruin so many lives including there own? i think she is partially afraid of him and now i think since she has lost everything and everyone else in her life, she has just given up hope of ever being free of him and getting her life straight. I only stick up for her because she has tried to do better and he has always screwed that up for her. i worry every day about her and how all this will end up. I would let her stay with me if she would just get away from him and all meth users. You cannot stop using if you stay around that kind of stuff. You need to break away, if not for yourself, for your children who love you unconditionally. All this has also caused me to not be able to have ANY contact with her beautiful twins, who are probably wondering, why not only does their mother not see them, but their sister and myself cannot see them either. All these head games are not fair to these poor innocent children. I can only pray that someday, somehow my beautiful daughter will come to her senses and take that very large step to get away from that lifestyle. Did I say life?? That is not life or living, it is in fact a death sentence. We all need to pray for everyone we love and even those we may not love because of what they have done to help ruin our familys. Dont get caught in the trap. Dont let anyone take your life from you. It is not worth it. There is good in everyone and with God's help things will get better. If anyone out their has any advice for me, on what I should or shouldnt do and if their is any help for my daughter or advice for any legal rights I may have to see my grandchildren, I would really appreciate it. If you are a user I wish the best for you in any attempt you make to get away from this drug. If you have lost your children, please do not give up hope in getting straight and getting them back. And if you are a parent, grandparent, child, etc. who has lost having a love one in your life to this drug, WE cant give up hope that they will come back to us. Just keep loving them and praying for them.

Just some thoughts
   I have always been an addict. Its hard to remember a time when I wasn't addicted to something be it alcohol, pot or finally and I mean FINALLY Meth. I could go on and on and on from a time when I was about fourteen and had my first beer, which was a Miller to my last hit of "glass". The "High Life" was Millers motto at the time and may still be for all I know anymore. I think and think and think. Thats all I can do and it is like I'm trapped in my own mind but am not alone. Thats the scariest part actually. I opened up my mind body and soul to Satan with drugs but especially the Meth. The meth was the gateway to my utter destruction.
   I'm on my last legs as I write this. I've been off the meth for two months now but the depression and utter loneliness that my addiction created has left me with only despair and Satan. You see its true; there is a Satan and I found that out with meth when I met his demons in all their evil. They still haunt me every day even though I haven't had a hit since July. I have met them and as they have told me repeatedly," We aren't what you think we are. We aren't your friends. We aren't your enemies. We JUST ARE." Its not true though. They are the personification of evil and have taken my sanity from me. My sanity which I wonder now whether I ever really possessed. It seems like such a nightmare come to life. I know this is rambling and not grammatical or nicely paragraphed which I could do if I thought it really mattered. But thats the "RUB" which happens to be one of the words that the demons say to me to get me angry and upset. I know it sounds as if I'm high right now but I'm not. Not at all. Although I have been craving Meth especially the past couple of days; but all my contacts phone numbers have been disconnected which seems to be the norm after each months unpaid cell phone bills. After all they are all meth monsters too and their life's are just as destroyed as mine has become.
   I am writing this because I'm doomed and wanted to let somebody, anybody, know what I've done to not only myself but my family. I wonder if I should write the whole thing down in a book. Something titled "Meth Monster-Death of a Soul". Because Meth killed my soul or at least enslaved it to the demons I so casually communicated with and still do even though I try to ignore them. You would never tell by looking at me that I am tormented by these demons every second of every day and that they even manipulate my dreams. Loving it when they can dredge up my fromer life as a normal person and make me breakdown and weep with the knowledge of all I have lost. I lost my wife, my children, my friends, my family, my job, my sanity and finally my very soul. I think I will kill myself soon. I hooked up a hose to my car exhaust the other day as I sat in a cemetary by my house. The hose was a dryer vent hose and the hot exhaust pipe melted through the plastic as I sat waiting for the fumes to overcome me. The hose was then too short to reach inside the back window. It actually made me laugh for the first time in what seems like years. I can't even kill myself right. It's only a matter of time though and I know it. I think about it all the time and know it is the only release from the hell that I have made my life.
   And the demons. I'm not lying or hallucinating. Not at all. They exist and are all around us. They are talking to me right now although they aren't speaking anymore but "writing on my mind". Literally. They write to me on my mind is the only way I can describe it. It is like they have access to my "minds eye" and that is how they communicate. That hasn't always been the case. Up until a few weeks ago I could actually hear their voices in my mind. They were both nice and nasty. Its hard to explain and had it not happened to me I would have thought it impossible. They are tricky and want my soul in hell. It really upset them when I bought a Bible and started reading the New Testament. The words of Jesus touched my heart and soul and for a brief moment blocked out the demons. I thought for awhile that it would be my salvation but it was only a desperate wish on my part. Although I read a parable last night from the chapter of Luke and was completely baffled by what Jesus was trying to say it at least made me think about something other than what i had lost
   I had it all. The American dream. A wife that loved me and fought for me even when I started to go insane from all the alcohol and drugs and forced her to divorce me. I had three great sons who are 12, 10, and almost 8 now. I had a job that paid me close to a hundred grand a year. I had friends that I loved to talk to and do things like golf with. I had it all and threw it away just like I threw away my credit, my house, and everything else that took me a lifetime to create. What more can I say really. It would all just be more of the same. I want to go visit my sons one last time before its all over though. I miss their love. Hell I miss LOVE at all. Thats what is really going to kill me in the end. The utter lonliness and loss of Love in my life. Goodbye.

Don't know what to do
   I am writing in hopes for some direction or maybe to find anyone else who has experienced my situation.
   1996 my son was in a car accident and was facing 16 years for manslaughter, he was the driver and was found not guilty of causing the death of his friend but guilty of agg assault and did 4-1/2 years. The did his 1 year parole. Shortly afterwards I had to call the police because he was fighting with his girlfriend at my house and he was holding her down with a knife. I was scared to death. He was high on meth again. He was hearing voices and they were telling him to choose 3 and those 3 were his girlfriend and his mom & dad.
   We went to the mental health to try and get him put into treatment and got a court order for an evaluation. In court the Judge said he was disappointed with the evaluation and said he wouldn't eve call it one and told us that the mental health here is incompetent. So he got 2 years prison time. He was 18 when the accident happened and 19 when he went to prison for the first time. He is now 27. He just got out of prison and during his time out all he could do is ramble about the car accident and now he is hearing spiritual voices. He's talking crazy. Things like there is a conspiracy against him and people have been brain-washing him, and my computer is being monitored, says our house is bugged and he wants to know how much money we have spent in the last year and wants to see our credit cards to make sure we aren't paying anyone off in order to stay alive, the hells angels are out to murder him and his family.
   He also had lost his baby 1 week before his due date and took it very hard and he believes now his girlfriend murdered him by taking large doses of Niacin. These things are just the tip of everything he thinks is going on. He spent most of his time in the hole and when he was released right from the hole he came out mad with a check for 21 cents and a small box of his paperwork. He cooled off as soon as he got out of the clothes.
   The parole board here told us they wouldn't have him come to our house because in his paper work some where he had said he could harm his parents and the county wouldn't be responsible for it if he did do something. Then the prison tells us we have to come and get him so we did. I tried to find out who his parole office would be to find out if they were going to get him or us. Never got an answer back. He had 24 hrs to check into his parole officer. Our plans were to turn around and come right back home. He needed a car so he could get back and forth to work so we bought him one and asked him what he was going to do and he said I don't know what to do I don't know my way around here. So we decided to stay the night in a hotel and he would go to the halfway house in the morning . That never happened and he went to another town for a week and then came here. I thought for sure they would have had a warrant out but they didn't right away.
   We have tried to listen and be patient with him and it appeared he had gotten more control over his temper. Then one night he came back here again and he was pacing and started up with this conspiracy and brainwashing again and he would go out to his car and come back yelling he did this 3 times and now I start to feel scared as he was trying to provoke his dad by poking him in the chest. When he left for the 3 time I ran to the bedroom and threw a few things in a bag and told my husband I'm out of here with or with out him, he came with. We left town for 7 days and still no arrest. I did call my son and asked him to turn himself in and he said no way, he's never going back. During this time we went for help again and all doors were closed because he didn't qualify or because of his age we can't do anything.
   I was at the state hospital trying to get some direction on what to do and finally one person said we should try and get guardianship over him and the have him committed. Not that easy to do as we are finding out.
   First of all I don't know what is all involved with that and if we did do it we don't know if he could ever get his rights back again. I don't want to ruin his life forever, its bad enough he thinks everyone is against him now. When he isn't using he is the nicest guy to be around, loving, full of life. I am so confused and crushed because we had to call the police and have him arrested. We told them where a key was to the house. And now my son knows we turned him in and right away he said your in with the cops aren't you. Are they holding you hostage? They made you do it didn't they. He is truly traumatized and and I just wish I could talk to someone who has gone through this. I don't know if this is the right thing to do. He won't seek help himself. Meth is a part of the problem but I don't think the entire problem. My son was shooting up meth We won't know until the lawyer hires 2 Dr's. With our experience in the past and never got any help I'm scared its just going to be another block wall. What if they say he doesn't have a problem. I'm going to have to sell my house and move. where there is security because I don't think I can ever sleep in the same house again. My son thinks its us we have the problem. We are going to have another lawyer look at everything my son has written down about the accident and see if they did do him wrong. If they say no I know my son won't accept that.
   We are meeting with a lawyer next week to find out what the guardianship can do but I am scared I will make the wrong decision.
I feel so confused and have cried myself dry. Please if anyone has or is going through this where can I find out your experiences on this please I need help.
   I just can't think straight any more. We have 90 days before his release for good no parole this time. Am I being paranoid? Should I just accept that he said he wouldn't hurt us? He's lost without us.
   Any information will greatly be appreciated.

   hi..my name is Sonny and i'm 21....i've been using meth for 3 yrs. now...and i've ben married for 4 yrs...and it has been the biggest downfall of my life ever since...and worst of all, i got my wife into an addict just like me...How Do You Think We Feel Being PARENTS While TWEAKIN??? yes we have a 1 yr old daughter, and man...i tell u people...having ONE parent as a tweaker is bad enough, but the both of you is even worst...my wife and i neglect our daughter so much that we dont even realize it...I just thank GOD our daughter has the most caring grandparents ever...theyve been there for my daughter since day 1..not my wife and i...we've been tweakin since day 1...we've missed so much of my daughters 1 yr growing up...and thats the thing parents are there for or see themselves is their kids get bigger and older..but my first year of my first child has gone to nothing but a waist of time because of this SHIT.....
   that is why our marriage life is stepping down the ladder each day instead of stepping up...thats not the worst of it yet...the worst is LOSING TRUST AND BONDAGE WITH FAMILY AND LOVED ONES...i've done the worst to the worst anyone can do to their loved ones, stealing anything and everything of whoevers...even my FAMILY...thats when things go bad is when u turn on ur family because of stupid old drug problem...but what i can never accept is that my family is still there for me and my little family...the only reason is probably my daughter...
   for all those tweakers out there..if u have KIDS...just think about ur kids and family first before loading that bowl, sniffing that line or shooting that needle...you're hurtin yourself but most your hurting your family...
   i just wanna thank GOD for watching and protecting my family and i...if there wasnt him, i dont know if i'd still be sitting here today...

daughter on meth
   this is about autumn. guess you've heard this story before; grandparents raising kids because their kid is on meth. Our daughter is almost 24, she is the mother of 2 beautiful little bitty boys, step-mom to two more little ones and is about 3 months pregnant. She was kicked out of our home this July 2nd and will never live with us again. we are currently raising our 2 grandsons, who are 3 and 1 years old. we knew when she was an infant that something wasn't right with her. we talked to her doctor about her rocking, her strange fits where she'd throw herself back and become straight as a board, she'd scream when her dad and I kissed and she'd scream if we fought. her doctor assured us she was normal. the second week of kindergarten I insisted she be tested. she was labeled with a mild auditory processing deficit. her fits became outbursts of hysterics; she would have to be completely removed from the situation in order for her to regain any emotional control. she would balk at eating anything healthy. she would get into anything that was sugary; we had to lock up snacks and deserts. she would eat candy and frosting like there was no tomorrow, but refuse pudding, pie, jello and strawberry shortcake. she would hide bowls, spoons and containers in her bedroom then throw them out. she had a birth defect on her bladder which was corrected at 3 years old, but she would get up in the night to pee on her stuffed animals or clothes. she cut her hair, picked at sores, was obsessive about her clothes and hair. she would have to wear a certain type of clothing for years at a time, only dresses but mostly pink, then only baggy t-shirts and stretch pants, or a side pony-tail in her hair for 4 years. at the end of second grade we had her tested again. I told the doctor it was like this, "did you ever hear the saying he marches to the beat of a different drummer, well she doesn't even hear the drums." she was found to be epileptic and learning disabled. from that time on through her 18th birthday we went to every I.E.P., stayed active in P.T.A., made every single psychologists' appointment, and strongly advocated with the schools in her behalf. we talked to her and her sister and brother all the time and about everything; they always were told they would be loved by us forever, no matter what, that we might not like some of the things they did, but they were always loved. she lied about everything everyday for no reason. the kids were told if they told the truth the consequences would never be as bad as what they anticipated; furthermore we would always be there to help them out. she stole from all of us at home. she would steal from her friends' homes. talking to her didn't help anything, the doctors didn't help anything, there was no punishment that affected her behavior or poor choices. she was 13 and ran up our phone bill to the tune of $2,000.00 in one month by talking long distance all night while we slept. after she got caught, she ran up phone bills at friends' homes and then went door-to-door in our neighborhood saying our phone was turned off (not so) and she had to call us for an emergency. she caused so many problems as a young teenager, we became prisoners in our own home in the attempt to curb problems. she stole our car, but picked up her friends and drove them to school when she was 14, by this time she was off epilepsy meds. she was dropped off at school 5 minutes before the bell rang and picked up immediately after school. she started running away, from school. she was put into the psych hosp when she was 15 for evaluation and tested negative for drugs. she became increasingly violent toward her father and myself. 4 other kids and she stole one of the parents' cars and took it to Calif. for a week. just before she turned 18, she bit me on the back during one of her violent outbursts and was arrested and again sent to the hosp for psych _eval. she tested negative for everything except pot. her father and I spoke to the psychiatrist who evaluated her and asked if we had overlooked anything as she grew up, did we miss something that some sort of medicine would fix. he said no, she had definite misfirings in her brain, she did not get from point A to point B the same way most normal people do. she could change, but only if she wanted to. she said she did, we took her to see him as an out-patient, and she threw a fit. the doctor told her she was wasting his time and our time and money. she continued to run away, so much so, that we'd just give the police the report over the phone and they'd send her a ticket when she returned. when she turned 18 I told her I would not call the police anymore when she ran away, but if she didn't follow house rules, she would be kicked out. She ended up enrolling in an alternative high school and got her diploma when she was 19. just after her 21st birthday she met a guy 7 years older than her and within 2 months decided to move in with him. then she told be she had been using meth occasionally for about 2 years and he helped her off it. a month later, weighing 78 lbs at 5 ft tall, she announced she was pregnant. she doubled her weight. the baby was 8 weeks premature. all through her pregnancy, we were at their apt when they were fighting, or they were at our home. she started bleeding and almost had the baby on the toilet because she thought she was constipated and her boyfriend wouldn't take her to the E.R. for it. we were working 10-hour days and then we would go to the hosp. I.C.U. and sit on stools next to the incubator for another 2 to 3 hours staring at our first-born grandson. just after he turned 5 months old, she moved back home with the baby. by then she'd had a broken finger and arm from this guy. she was ok off and on, but we took care of the baby about 80% of the time when she was home. she was devoted, in her own way, to the care of this little one. She had a few friends and she talked non-stop on the phone. she met another guy and became pregnant almost two years ago. they broke up just before she learned she was pregnant and she refused to tell him until the baby was nearly due. she had been down to 85 lbs when she got pregnant this last time and again doubled her weight. her blood pressure skyrocketed and we were in and out of the E.R. many times in the last weeks before her other son was born. Her weight dropped down to 100 lbs by the time this baby was a month old. she barely took care of him, but yelled at us for doing so. she'd be up all night long and on weekends we could hardly get her out of bed to take care of the boys. the oldest one was sleeping with us, and spending most of his time with us when she was at home. she decided to date the first son's father again, and picked him up from his half-way house. he hadn't seen his son in over a year because of his drug problems. I cracked one day when we were all outside building a swing set for the boys and he was mad because I wouldn't let him come over as my son was there to help and refused to stay if this guy came to the house. He kept calling and finally I told him the best thing he could do was stay out of his son's life and give the little guy a chance to grow up in a better environment than he could provide; he was 30 years old, living in a half-way house again, no car, no real job, and still on drugs. Our daughter decided he might not be the best person to date and within a week she was dating the youngest boys' dad again. She was becoming increasingly foul-mouthed at home, not sleeping at night, not eating in the day and hiding in the pantry at night to eat sugar-filled foods. we couldn't get her up on weekends and the baby would sleep off and on beside her or crawl around the room unless we took him out of the room. it was to the point where I told her and her boyfriend if she didn't stop the nastiness and start to take care of the boys and help in the house, she was not going to have a place to live. she constantly had new clothes, shoes, nail stuff and clothes for the boys, but used her food stamps for crap. she spent $800 of her tax return in 4 days and had nothing to show for it. she was supposed to buy a toddler car seat with some of it. we bought it. we were buying the boys healthy foods. she had been told for years that if we ever found out she was doing drugs, she was out of the house. period. this summer we took our oldest grandson away for two nights and when we came back, the house was spotless and her room rearranged. the next afternoon her boyfriend called looking for her, saying she wasn't going to hurt him again. turns out she dumped the boys with him and his two kids and took off with some lie about a college placement test- on a saturday. he said he knew she was doing meth. he said he had proof. he said just after we left town, she called him and told him she was craving it real bad and the person she usually got it from was out. she admitted to him that she had a problem with it. so, he contacted a relative of his who contacted a friend of his who contacted a dealer who was out but could take her boyfriend to his supplier to get some. And that's what he did. left her with 2 young kids and an infant and took a ride out to a very corrupt area in order to buy her the drug. then he watched her smoke it and stayed with her until we came home because he was afraid for the baby. I was furious and her father was worse. we told him we were going to come get the boys right away. as we were headed to his house, we called him and she was there. I told him to tell her we were coming over, not to go anywhere, we had a family emergency. she got on the phone and demanded I tell her about the emergency. I told her there was a family emergency, it was very bad, it would affect all of our lives and I had to tell her in person. we got to the house, I had her go in the back yard with her father and made sure the boys were ok. then I went outside and told her we knew she was doing meth, we knew her boyfriend bought it for her and she had a choice; she could go to rehab or to jail. she just stared at us. she was high. I told her she had 2 minutes to decide and then I was calling the police. she finally said she wanted to go to rehab. we took her to the E.R. as the insurance rep told us to do, and I gave her drugs to the intake clerk. they called the police and a cop came to the hosp to arrest her. she went into detox. she went into a week-long inpatient rehab. we saw a lawyer. we asked her to sign temp guardianship of the boys to us. she did, just after she told the lawyer she didn't have an addiction and he asked, "then why are you here?". her boyfriend signed the papers as well. her inpatient counselor said she didn't need inpatient treatment, she could do just fine with group sessions. she is now living with her boyfriend and his kids in a two-bedroom trailor. we paid for the gas to be turned back on so our other grandkids would have hot baths, we gave them food until they got food stamps, and her boyfriend still insists she only lies over non-important things, she will stay clean even after she has this next baby, and they want to get the boys back as soon as his decorative metal business takes off. she just quit her job of two weeks because they gave her hours she didn't like. she is a meth-addicted, learning disabled, emotionally disabled, compulsive liar who sees herself as the center and everyone and everything in second to her wants and desires. including her boyfriend and his kids. including her brother and sister and their families. including the mother and father who gave all of themselves to doing their best to raise her to a responsible loving adult-hood. including her two perfect little boys who shine like little stars in our daily lives. including her unborn child. she will continue to use, abuse and lie to her boyfriend as long as he lets her. she will never be trusted by her father or myself in telling the truth. she has destroyed two of the most important relationships in her life, those with her siblings. she chose to change the lives of her two sons forever...she cannot take back the fact that she chose to smoke this drug and does not live with the boys. she will not tell her ob/gyn of her drug use because she says she got pregnant after rehab so she was clean, even though she has been educated in that meth may have damaged her internal organs and that may effect her pregnancy. She told us she had been doing meth since she was 16. she said she was just an occasional user. she admitted to smoking it in our house more than once and in front of her children. she admitted to having taken the kids with her to drug houses a couple of times. I was her best friend. I always advocated for her. I spent hours upon hours listening and talking to her. I held her in my arms and kissed her and told her I love her and am proud of her. I look at old pictures and I know she started drugs earlier that 16. I can see she started it when she was 14. And through out all of those years while her father and I took her to her appts, sat at school meetings with her and her teachers, she lied about everything and nothing and blew off all we tried to do behind our backs. I'm writing this because I want to stay angry. I refuse to ever believe a word out of her mouth again. and I will not, will not, get mushy and make up excuses for her. I will not go to meetings in support of her. My job and responsibility with her is over. I always told my children, I will always love you, no matter what. I love the little girl who always tried her best to get it right and always made friends with her smile and laughter, I just don't love the woman who decided meth was more important than her children.

Living Hell
   I am not a meth user, although I have done it a few times over the years...I realized immediatley that it was highly addictive...and that was enough of a warning for me. Lucky me...My husband was clean for almost eight years, for the past year he has been using meth...how much or how often I dont know. I do know that as much as I love this man I have to find the courage and sense to leave. I am so angry at what his addiction has done to us and our family...the financial aspect, the violence, the lies. Wondering where he is and who hes with ...I threaten and threaten but for what. I try to figure things out , I have become quite the detective...but still not sure what all the lotion is about.. I guess masturbation, he swears he has not cheated. I believe him but why I am not sure. Our bills are behind and we are so broke. I have a good job as a nurse and used to work in drug treatment center! I always think I can tell when hes high. I am beginning to hate him...but it is not him it is as if he were dead and someone has inhabited his body. He swears he loves me but what he loves is meth and I have to get that through my thick skull.I feel for the addict but the loved ones pay a price unlike they can ever know....Thanks for writing it is helping me see that I have to let him go...before he kills me or drives me crazy or makes me kill him!!!

My story
   After reading some of the letters, I felt compelled to share something from my life. My mom and stepfather were addicted to meth since I was at least 3. That's when my stepfather started molesting me. I couldn't have any friends because he would molest them too. I spent my entire life in seclusion because of their disease. My parents fought almost every day, and when in a meth rage, my stepfather beat all of us, my mother most of all. When I was 11 he beat her so bad with a crowbar I thought he killed her. I spent years living in tents and backyards, trying unsuccessfully to avoid my parents' perverted meth-head friends. I kept running away but the state put me in foster homes that were even worse than being at home. Finally, the state emancipated me when I was 17 and I was free. Now I am 29 years old and am going to school to become a police officer. I have witnessed first hand what meth does to children and families and I am not going to tolerate it anymore. I didn't give in to the cycle of abuse. You can survive.

Email to Nancy
   "...he is tired when he goes to work and looks a wreck.... any suggestion for a mother who loves her son with all her heart... and is at a loss as what to do to help him.... --Nancy
   I have a 32 year old son who has had a severe meth addiction for an undetermined number of years. I have determined that he can manipulate the drug screens, tell lies to his counselor, and tell me and anyone else who loves him just exactly what we want to hear. However, after some serious research of my own, I have concluded that for me to believe that he is off drugs will require at least three things: One, is for him to get his rotten teeth fixed; two, is for him to get the sores completely healed on his face and body; and three, is for him to return to the reality of his loving family. I'm convinced that this will work for anyone willing to provide tough love to their addict. In the meantime, I have God to keep me focused. I pray these suggestions will help you through the hard times.

   I just finished reading the stories that meth addicts have posted on the web.I am stunned and blown away by how similiar their stories are to mine.YET we all feel like we are the only one who is affected with the BAD side of meth.I have always called meth "crank".If I or my few crank friends heard someone say meth we immediately shut down,ended the deal,and waited to hear "sheriff's department"as the front door came down.I first tried crank on July 6th 1997.This was also the day I finished a 30 day treatment stay for prescription pills.I ended up staying with the girl who had been my treatment roommate.She got out a week before me but continued to attend meetings everyday with me.(meeting a day,everyday day).My stay in treatment was a good experience after the first week.Or I thought it was.The place where I hoped to get off the pills ended up being as screwed up as me. Most of the lower level staff was made up of former clients who had done real well in the program but when they returned as staff found themselves fighting a never ending battle to stay clean.Alot of hanky-panky between client's and techs as they were called.One in particular was taking female's to an unused part of the building and having sex.Close to my third week I finally felt pretty good.I felt special because I was getting alot of extra attention from several of the staff and had bonded with my fellow druggies.All but one was there for crank.At first in group I wanted to just beat the hell out of the "junkies".I felt these are the kind of people that are bad.For god's sake they jam needles anywhere they can find a vein! It took only one week out for me to beg a dealer that I got mixed up with to hit me and let me do a shot.I had been snorting for a few days I mean constantly doing a line.My first go around lasted almost two months.Very little down time.I would wake up outside where I had apparantly walked to in my crank coma.I hated nighttime.Becoming a full blown crank-junkie is not a walk in the park.It got to the point days were just as bad.I started with the tell tale sign of (old school dope) sores,puffy face,and of course the drastic weight loss.It took being forced to leave the dealer's house and told "you have got to go"to go back and face people who I totally blew off the day I left treatment.Including the courts that were looking for me and my dad who was the only one who has ever stuck by my side no matter what.Took only two days for the police to knock on my door and arrest me.On the way to jail I got my first lesson on how all of that BULLSHIT works.I could help myself by directing them to a lab or two and by doing that I was getting rid of my connection there for I was eliminating my using.I was still in a very heavy dope fog but acted like I was wise and knew their game well enough to play tough and act like I wasn't terrified.Jail sucks! It didn't take long to figure that out.My dad was the one to get me out and give me a place to sleep.I stayed off the crank briefly but was under the influence of something everyday.I would get drunk with a tech from the treatment center pop some Fiorinal and get almost comatost.We would go to his place (which he shared with his wife)and have sex till it was time for her to get off of work.I can not remember one of those encounter's.Looking back it must of been like having sex with someone sleeping for him.He would always come to my aid when I had taken to many pills cause I forgot I had just taken three to four pills 20 minutes earlier. That was 1997. Here it is 2005 and I still haven't been able to stay away from the crank.I tell myself I have control now because I only consume it by putting it in toilet paper and eating it.I haven't stuck a needle anywhere in two years.But after finding the stories on the website I finally knew 100% that my abuse of this drug isn't because Im a week person with no will power.Like alot of the other's Im scared to death that life after crank just doesn't seem worth the effort.I don't know how to keep going without giving in to the craving of knowing if I get some I will be able to block out all the emotional crap.I can stop from having any negative feelings for a day or two.Knowing that the two days after I get high are going to be HELL! It's always the same.First comes sadness and hopelessness and then the rage.I would really like to e-mail with other people who are living the same hell.At this point I have no friends left.I am trying so hard to hide all of this that I have to lie,make sure my phone is deleted of text messages and clear the call log.I want to find a way to change all of this without disappointing the one's who will never be able to understand how I could go back and risk everything again.That there is so much sadness in my head and my heart.The guilt I get overwhelmed with starting at about 12hours after I use.It can sometimes get so bad I wish I had the means and the guts to end my misery.I hope that someone else fighting this battle will look at my story and start typing.It amazed me how drawn I was to keep reading about all of the live's that this horrible drug has effected.Crank has become the new deadly epidemic.From what I have seen and lived it is going to be as damaging as the Aids and Hepatitus crisis.

Six Years
  I am 45 years old and was a very successful private and business banker and a realtor, my husband owned 2 of his own businesses. We had all most perfect credit, nice cars and a home. Today my home is going to foreclosure, my face is broken out, I have 3 broken teeth, and I drive a $399 Suburau, which is just great because 6 months ago I didn't have a car at all. All of the money I have speant on tweek, I could own a Mercedes out right.
   6 years ago some one offered me a line, like speed pills of the late 70's I said? Yeah, right..........It gave me energy that weekend and so the next weekend we did some more. No big deal, lost a few pounds, looked good, and kept working every day, for a few years this was all I would do, then someone smoked it with me. That craving becomes a nightmare after a while. The time went by and somedays me or my husband would miss work. Then he got sick from exposure to mold and all most died. His recovery was never to happen. He drove me off the road in rage, not meth induced and got a domestic violence charge. We seperated and I didn't do any drugs for a while, but that of course didn't last we had a meth induced reunion, and got back together. At the end of his probation, he was on his next to last visit, and she popped a UA, positive for meth. Do drug tests, and he was so mad. I continued to party and he slept for 2 straight weeks, getting ready for UAs he said, but he was mad that I was using and he got another domestic violence charge when he said he would kill our son, then 16 and me if we called the police. he had been pacing the hall for 6 hours calling me a tweek, whore, slut, etc. He actually picked up the phone and called 91, the police came and he went to jail, it was the 4th of July weekend, and I pawned my 2 carat diamond, bought shit and partied. My son was annoyed, and my daughter who was 12 at the time stayed away at her friends As much as possible. They always had food, great clothes, and time speant with them, but not quite as much as I wanted, because by now I tweaked all mostr every day, or slept it off.My son is 18 today and he lectures me on the evils of the drug. I know them, but this last year I have been super depressed, my husband speant 6 months in jail, and I hooked up with another tweek who had been my husbands cell mate. He promised me money from one of his adventures, to pay for my house, but all he did was free load off of me. I worked part time, off and on, but always blew the good paying job interviews, or didn't go because I was tired, face broken out, didn;t have a ride, or a car etc. I couldn't work in a bank any more, bad credit, as I never had any money for credit card bills. I put my real estate licensce inactive, as it is costly to keep active, and how would I show prospective clients a house, when I drove a beater, or nothing at all. My husband got out of jail and the kids said daddy has no where to go, so he came here. We have owned our home for 16 years. It is time to move from the neighborhood any way, as most of it is tweeks, or crack heads now. He has a job making 8 bucks an hour. He is yet to have an 80 hour check, as he allways misses at least one day a pay period, if not more. I am trying to get straight and get a sales job. He does tweek and watches porno, when he is home. The basement and back yard are filled with crap he has found either dumpster diving, a tweeks dream job, and scrapping metal, another tweeks dream job, along with "porno" star. he makes me sick to look at. So the "dope" man says heh, lets go, he ain't much better. It's sick. I am sick. The shit is the most sick thing in the world. Speed kills, I used to laugh when I saw that, if you don't die physically, you sure do mentally, as I ask god for help , and he never does, because I never chose to help myself.
   I hate everyone that I know, which is all tweeks. They are stealers, cheats, liars, spongers, or want to have sex with me, women all the time, or with my husband, or both. I like it don't get me wrong but when you become the tweeks dream lover it;s sad. I hope to sell, at a way lower price on my home, not blow the cash on tweek, and get a new apartment with my daughter and myself, and stay the hell as far away from anyone I know who does this shit. I also have a counseler, domestic, lined up, and she has connects to help with the drugs. Pray for peace. Pray for me, and I pray for every one who truely wants to kick this shit. Peace............

A response to JLW who posted in march and may
   To JLW who is 27 yrs old and the mother of a beautiful 2 yr old little girl. I read your postings...one from March 2005 and one from May 2005. You can call me Angel. I am 26 yrs old and a mother of a wonderful 3 yr old little girl. I cried when I read your letters. I wanted to reach through my computer screen and tell you to STOP! You see... a year before you I was in your shoes. I have a college degree...I had a successful career that paid me a six figure salary. I owned my own home and a beautiful sports car that were all solely bought on my credit alone and with no help. I LOST IT ALL ON METHAMPHETAMINES. I guess at first I thought that I wasn't like those other people on it...none of them had jobs or homes or cars. Now I know that I was no different. I barely got out with daughter. I read where you wrote that your daughter was introverted more so now because of your not paying attention to her...my daughter did that too....and then she started getting angry with me...that was the next stage...she hit me once (she was only 2 then) she hated me. I took care of her...fed her and diapered her but that was about all. One day I forgot to feed her and I found her trying to pick in the garbage. JLW...YOU MAY READ THAT LAST SENTENCE AND BE DISGUSTED...BUT I GUARANTEE THAT IF YOU DON'T STAY CLEAN THE SAME WILL HAPPEN TO YOU! Think about your beautiful daughter... she needs you...she is already losing because of your use. A 2 yr old shouldn't be introverted and secluded...it's sad..it's disgusting. I am not here to batter you... I am sure you've already done it to yourself. I just want you to know that you won't win this war if you keep using. To successfully get off of meth I had to move to another state where I knew very few people. I slept on a living room floor at a relatives house for months with my daughter. I destroyed my credit while using and yesterday I got turned down for a job because of my bad credit. My career was in the finance field so nobody will hire me...they all check credit. The only thing I walked away from meth with is my daughter....nothing else. I identify with you and I want better for your daughter. She needs you. Unless you get support of move or do something (you can't do it alone) you may not succeed. Having a career, a degree, a home and a nice car doesn't make you immune to meth addiction...i already learned that the hard way. I read your postings over 3 mos ago and I pray for you nightly....Today I decided i'd write you. My prayers are with you... I know how hard and nearly impossible it is to quit...but I did it...I am one year and 3 mos clean now....you can do it too! YOU CAN DO IT...THINK OF YOUR BABY GIRL. She can get meth sores from the chemicals in the meth you smoke around the house. You are literally poisoning the home your daughter lives in. Meth is made of products like drain-o and you are spreading that all around your home. Your daughter probably feels hungry because you occasionally are late feeding her....how many times do you forget to change her diaper or have a hard time waking up when she needs you. Now that I am clean I feel shame and will feel shame for the rest of my life over these things....Each night I go to sleep and wake up thinking about how ashamed I am for what I did. Please...I beg you...think of your daughter. You must stay clean.

Last friday almost became the WORST day of my life
   As a mother of 3 wonderful children, I have spent their lives talking to them about drugs, alcohol, unprotected sex, etc. I monitored their friends as they grew up becoz of strong peer pressure. I did everything I could think of to keep them from going down that road. BUT I never imagined, that the one person I needed to keep them away from would be their own DAMN FATHER.
   The SOB is 47 years old and I'm angry as hell that he's the person that introduced 20 year old son to METH. I can't even comprehend a parent putting their child at risk this way, especially a father that used to worship the ground they walked on.
   My son was 1 1/2 years old when his father and I divorced, at that time it was only pot and his refusal to not smoke it around the kids. I didn't care if that's what he wanted to do, I just didn't want him smoking it in our house or around the kids. Needless to say, he told me-it was his house and he wasn't quitting for me or the kids so I left him and became a single mother. We done better without him, altho he did have the kids every other weekend thruout their childhood, that was about the only involvement he had in their lives. When my son graduated from high school 2 years ago, his dad talked him into moving in with him. Altho, I felt it was a mistake, my son made the choice to go. Over the last 2 years, I have watched him go from being happy, good looking and a healthy weight to a sad, discolored, 100 pd 20 year old that looks like he's 30.
   His father kicked him out a week ago last Sunday, and he moved back in with me. My current husband was on vacation and I was at work. He called me at 1:00 and told me that I needed to get home ASAP. I asked "what was going on" and he told me that my son was lying in the bath tub with only his nose above water. He said, I can't wake him up and I don't know if he's asleep or dead. I freaked and immediately left work, not knowing what in the hell I would find when I arrived home. To make a long story short, my son had passed out in the tub becoz of meth. He also had a seizure or some type of fit which resulted in screwing up his foot pretty bad. He remembers none of this which worries me becoz I know the chances are good that he will do it again
   Upon talking with him and my daughter who just 22, I found out that their own damn father is the one that introduced him to this drug. My daughter had been offered this drug but she refused which resulted in her and her father having an argument and she hasn't seen or spoke to him since last November.
   Altho I know that this drug is so deadly and so rampant in our little counties in Indiana, it never occurred to me to that the person I needed to fear most when it came to drugs was the same man that helped bring them into this world.
   When I called him and told him what had happened, his response was, I don't give a damn. I don't care if the Motherf--- dy on the side of the road in a cardbroad box. There dad is 47 years old, has lost his 2nd wife, doesnt work and really doesnt have to since him mother pays his rent, his utilities and gives him money for a drug that she doesn't even know he's using.
   My first thought is to blow his brains out, however, if I'm in jail, then I can't be on the outside helping my son get past this dreaded stage of his life. My only hope is that we will make it, one day at a time and hope like hell that he's alive 1 year from now.
Thanx for taking the time to read this.

My Friend Ricky
  My name is Will. I live in Waco. I don’t use meth and never have, but it’s still affected my life My brothers have both lost everything and wound up in jail because of meth. Now it may cost me my best friend, Ricky. Rick had had drug problems before, but he had been clean for a couple of years. I don’t exactly when or why he started using again. It’s not like he didn’t know what could happen. He’s known a lot of people who’ve screwed their lives up with meth. He’s always referred to addicts as “just another statistic”. Now he can add his name to that list. I didn’t know he was using at first, but I should’ve suspected something. For a couple of weeks he had avoided me, always saying he was busy. We worked at the same place but even there he would avoid talking to me. Then one day he came to work totally out of it. He could hardly stand up, he was slurring his words and what he said made no sense. He was sent home early. He girlfriend, Christy, who also works there said it was from some cold medicine. I really wanted to believe that, but I knew he was crashing. The next week he came in and that day it was so obvious. He was seriously speeding. Everyone could tell he was on something. The next day the supervisor talked to him about. Ricky lost his temper and walked out. He hasn’t had a job since. That was also the last day he spoke to me. I’ve tried to get him to speak to me since but, he always has an excuse. Finally, knowing he’s on the internet a lot I sent him an e-mail begging him to stop and offering to do anything to help him. He never responded although Christy told me he read it. She keeps me informed on what’s going on with him, although he doesn’t know it. With Ricky not working it’s up to her to pay the bills. I help out as much as I can, but Christy doesn’t like borrowing money. I know he’s pawned just about everything he could. They had two computers one for him and one for her. He sold hers and won’t let her touch the other one. He spends a lot of time out in his shed and yells at her if she disturbs him. Christy has woken up to find people she never seen before sleeping in her living room. Right now I’m really worried about her. Ricky has always had a very short temper and with the meth I just don’t know what he might do. She says he’s never hit her, but I know he’s been emotionally abusive. It seems like there’s nothing I can do that wouldn’t make things worse. If Ricky ever found out how much she’s told me he would go ballistic. I’ve told her she should leave, but I can understand why she doesn’t. Not matter what the drug has done to him, he’s still our Ricky. I spend half the time incredibly pissed off at him for what he’s doing to himself and the people who care about him and the other half missing him and worried sick that I’ll get a phone call saying he’s in jail or dead. When my brothers went to jail it didn’t bother me much. I felt like they deserved it, they weren’t just using they were making and selling meth. But Ricky is closer to me than my brothers ever were. He’s the best friend I’ve ever had or will have. I miss him. I’m afraid for him and I feel completely helpless. I’ve even started having nightmares about him and fucking meth. If I could I would track down every damn meth dealer in this town and break their fucking necks. I’ve even tried to think of ways to get Ricky busted so he’d be forced to get clean. I wish I could just forget about him and his problems and live my own life. But I can’t because I know the Ricky I know and care about is still there somewhere. I just hope I can find him before it’s too late.

   Hi, i am a 17 year old girl who is a junior in high school. I always had this little crush on this guy that was 1 year older then me and went to my school. I got his AOL screen name and started talking to him, we started hanging out and becomming very close. At the time i knew that he smoked weed and that really did not bother me. I also knew that he popped pills, that sorta bothered me but not a lot. My best friend rachael came up to me one day and told me that WJ (the guy i was talking with) was using meth. I didn't believe her because he never acted strange, or hyper, or even acted like he was on meth. I continued hanging out with him and being involved with him in many ways. One morning i got a phone call from his best friend and told me that he tried killing himself with a knife during school, and got taken away. He got put into a placement in town, but a month later got taken to Souix city for another 3 months. He would always write me and tell me that he was going to change, and i believed all his lies, when he came back for home visits, he was a completely different person and would tell me i was all he needed, and make promises, and usually keep them. He was the perfect boyfriend now that he wasn't on meth. After about a month of him being back for good, i was informed he started smoking weed again, it really bothered me because i know that that leads to other things, but i tried not to let it get to me too bad. About a week later i was also informed he was doing meth with his ex girlfriend and had been doing it for a couple weeks. I didn't believe it because he was so confident in himself that he would never touch that dirty drug ever again!! About a week later, i hung out with him on my birthday. The very first thing i noticed was how horrible his face looked. It looked like he had horrible acne. Then i realized that it was from the meth he really had been doing. I still tried to not let it get to me, but then he just started acting like a completely different person and always promising and lying, and breaking my heart. I came so close to killing myself, and i wasn't even using the drug. It surprised me so much how addicting something so horrible for you can be. He is now using meth mostly every day, and quotes, "i can never quit, this is who i am now." anybody out there who is thinking about trying meth PLEASE DONT. it ruins lives, it breaks everyones heart around you, it messes so bad with your head, and makes you do things that you wouldnt ever do. Do not hurt anyone, especially yourself. Stay clean and healthy and dont ever consider this horrible pain called Meth.

   Meth is a down hill ride; no matter how one looks at it. The stories were very painful to read even tho' I'm not into any type of drugs and never have been. These poor souls are crying out in agony when they write the letters. They have truly made their own hell on earth. Problem is; it affects not only them but those that love them and those that don't even know them! It affects everyone directly or indirectly. Our country is in jeopardy due to drug abuse. How can we defend ourselves against the evils out there when so many are concerned only with getting their next hit? And the cost of cleaning up a meth house! The cost of paying salaries of those trying to directly battle the problem. The children of drug users that end up in foster care......paid for by tax payers. The simple hard working average family......WE ARE THE ONES THAT PAY THE PRICE! Yes, the written stories of the individuals accounts of the meth world are devestating. It is tooooo sad. I'm angry at them, I'm angry at our law enforcement agencies and I'm angry at myself for not becoming more educated on the world I knew I never wanted to be a part of. I do thank the authors of those letters because they are going to be used as a part of my anti drug campaign when I teach my son about the realities out there. Maybe it will help him to never ever accept the first hit!
--mjo in Ks.

My meth story
    My name is Vanessa. I am 34 years old and have been doing speed for over 16 years. First and for the longest time I snorted it. I'd drink it too. Every morning I'd go to the lounge where cops waited to testify, located in the back halls of the courthouse I worked at and heat my water for tea or coffee (already pre-spiked with speed). Before I quit working there-because there was a rumor going around that I was on drugs-I had 3 co-workers caught up in tweaking too. I didn't encourage them but I didn't discourage them either. Lucky for them they pretty much quit when I left. We were doing it to go to the clubs and work the next day. But, by nature with me its all or nothing and I do have an addictive personality. Or obsessive depending on the subject. No one in my family knew anything. About 10 years ago I met my current/ex-boyfriend/arch enemy/best friend. We met at my mom's mobilehome complex when I sold him a sack of shit. After that he was in love. With me. His love for the dope grew over time. And along with that love came: stealing from my family, stores, stranger's homes he visited w/friends, more sex partners than I'm sure I was able to find out about(men included), the most over-the-top knock-down, drag-out fights I have ever been a party too, some stints in jail, marriage while still with me and a child by his wife; all while still with me, a new favorite pasttime to share with me: injecting it. I supported our habit because he never worked, and I always work. Despite him and the dope I work, am buying my home, own my car, have too much credit, care for stray animals, etc. But, I am also not really who people think I am. For a year and a half now I've been wearing long sleeves because I bruise every time I shoot. My arms are so lumpy from old misses and I am disgusted with myself. Tonight it took at least 5 punctures, 2 needles and for the first time in ages no frustration tears before I could register and shoot. I am definitely an addict. I shoot up alone every day before work and sometimes at work. I go to the needle exchange every other Wednesday alone. Alone, because my boyfriend is just starting his 16 month sentence in California State Prison. Thank God, at least he sobered up. He was on the highway to hell, literally. I still am on that road. Tonight after I type this I am throwing away all of my points. I have to or I am going to die. I wish I could just toss my sack too. But, I swear I cannot function at sea level without it. I am over-tired if I don't have it. Whenever I don't have any for just 2 days (which is rare, because I have had it consistently every day for the past 16 years)I have nightmares that I can barely wake up from. The point of my letter is this: NO MATTER WHAT IT TAKES STOP NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE AND NEVER EVER EVER EVER ADVANCE YOUR INTAKE METHOD! NEVER NEVER NEVER NEVER SHOOT UP! YOU'LL FEEL LIKE YOU'LL NEVER BE ABLE TO STOP! That is how I feel. Wish me luck.
-- Vanessa

   I was just looking for someone to help me make sense of why my fiance of 3yrs. chose meth over myself and our 5 children. We had such a beautiful family and everything was so perfect for the first 2years. The last year has been pure hell. I have lost so much because I have tried so hard to stand beside him. Through the beatings, court and through rehab. He hasn't even been out of rehab for a month and he is already back to using again. I just don't understand, I'm 30 years old and findly found the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with and all disappeared. I just can't make any sense of anything he says or does. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie or verbally disturbing. Please, I have no one, I gave up my family for him and gave up my 11 year old son for 4 months because he couldn't stand to watch him beat on me anymore.

Meth head
   I am a recovering meth head from a few years back. I started using with my boyfriend who introduced me to the drug. It was called crank then. He began to hook up deals from the Indian reservation and let me tell you it was scarey the people who distributed the drug and the drug. My boyfriend became a dealer and for about 1 yeear there was a never ending supply. Balls the size of bowling balls were delivered and he weighed it out. After a while we both had parinoia so bad we would hide to use. I began to hear things that were not real.(hallucinations).I lost weight and was up for weeks at a time. I got into a near fatal snowmobile accident and he got busted. I went to my father and begged for help. I got clean and was clean for three years. After that I started dating another man, but soon found out that he also had a problem with meth. Aaaaaaaand like they say in the 12 step programs, stay away from slippery people and places. But I fell right back into it again (still having loud auditory voices in my head) that will never go away. Later on I broke up with him and started the road to recovery again. The drug is everywhere around where I live and I literally have to run away in order to not use, but you got to do whatever is necessary to stay quit. Sometimes I wish everybody I know who uses or distributes would get busted. I am not a narc. It’s very hard some days and easy other times. The doctors say that I will have hallucinations for the rest of my life and have to take lots of medications for that . Also, I’m left to battle this bad addiction on my own . I think your readers should know that I ended up with tweeker tics. My face grimmases without my knowledge and the parinoia looms to this day . Some tweekers bite their lips, get intense looks on their faces and hide or sneak doing leagal things. All as a result of getting involved with the wrong men……I don’t date anymore because I don’t trust the population in my town(meth central). I am glad I got out before I ended up in jail or a mental institution. I hope this helps someone to stop or opens some eyes to meths destruction. Being meth free is hard, but using meth is the hardest!

For the Story Board
   I have to admit, the only reason that I was out surfing the net for Meth sites was because I was curious as to what it was like. I wanted to see what the side effects of this drug really were. My now ex-husband used to talk about the drugs that he did back in the day all the time. I grew up in a secluded neighborhood with typical parents, hardly any friends, I got picked on a lot. Despite how miserable of a child hood I had, I actually managed to make it all the way through High School without doing one drug. After I graduated I got tired of being a “goody two shoes” and started to experiment with Alcohol. Not until I was 20 years old and met Jason my now ex-husband did I even know what to do with Pot. When I used to go over his house they would be doing it constantly, then I started to notice the plates on the table with the straws out and the little white powder left on the plate… The first 6 months that I was with him he denied that he was doing anything like that. He said he just smoked pot and that it was his room mates that did the other stuff. Until we broke up on New Years Eve of 2000 and he admitted that he was doing “coke” and crank again. I was crushed, I couldn’t believe he lied to me. I was totally against any of that stuff and couldn’t believe he would do that poison. While we were apart for 6 months I began to drink a lot and I started to smoke pot, but I could never really get into it because I HATED to cough. Me and Jason got back together on July 7th 2001. He was still smoking the pot, I was just drinking and smoking too many cigarettes. He got me to try Nitrous and I really got into that, until I saw all the commercials about drowning and being brain dead. So for the next 4 years we did nothing but drink and he smoked pot, which he eventually quit. We got married in August of 03 and had our son in May of 04. Then June of this year we decided to split up. I assumed it was because we were growing apart, until I found out a week later he was already living with another woman and her kids and had a whole new life going on over there. The actual reason he pushed us apart was because he had been cheating..my whole world fell apart I went straight into self destruct mode. A few weeks before that I found this site and had read every single story that was posted, just because I was starting to get curious, I have no idea why. One night before me and Jason split up his friend came home with me because he was working at the bar and he wouldn’t be home till late so me and his friend hung out and watched a movie, I asked him if he had anything “good” in his bag. And he was like I thought you didn’t like that stuff?..and I was like I don’t and the conversation ended there..we didn’t talk about it again. So we broke up on a Saturday and my only plan was to go out to the bar that night and get totally smashed and feel sorry for myself. When the night ended I ran into a friend of mine and he was so happy, I told him I said “I want what you have” he told me he did “E” and asked me if I wanted some I said “yes” so he gave me a pill and I took it and went home. It took quite awhile to kick in but when it did I felt SO GOOD..I loved it. I was able to forget all my problems even if it was just for a little bit. I did it one other time after that but I just ended up screaming into my pillow. I guess that would be considered a “bad trip?”. I didn’t do anything for awhile after that until July 4th. I went to the bar and ran into a good friend of mine. We ended up talking most of the night. Then out of the blue he says to me that he wants to buy some “ice” I was shocked that he did that stuff. He looked at me and asked me if I wanted to do some. I told him I had never done it before and was kinda scared. So he told me that he would stay with me all night. I agreed. Mind you I was still in my self destructive mode so NO Im not blaming any of my decisions on anyone but MYSELF. We went back to my house and he made us a few lines. I can remember picking up the straw and thinking what am I doing?. But I did it anyways and I absolutely loved it. I couldn’t believe this substance, this poison, could make anyone feel so alive. We did about 3 more lines each after that, and I told him that I felt like doing cart wheels I felt so “awake”. We stayed up all night talking, playing board games, getting on the computer, having sex and just enjoying the night life. I stayed up until late the next afternoon and finally went to bed. All I could think about was the weekend to come so I could find more. I think the next time I did it was the LAST time it felt good. Nothing ever compared to the first time. I started it on July 4th and I have been doing it every weekend since then. It has not been that long maybe 2 months but my tolerance has already been built and it doesn’t feel good anymore. I have only done it once during the week and even then it did hardly anything for me. I shock my friends because I tell them that I do like 4-5 lines in one sitting and it doesn’t effect me at all, when all they have to do is one little baby line and they are up all night..the guy from July 4th has since moved in with me as my room mate and he only continues to do it on the weekends also, the sad thing is, I know he’s been doing this A LOT longer then me and even he just needs 1 or 2 lines and he’s all good. I go out every weekend to the bar and I always buy more ice. The only reason I get it now is to feel awake. And even then I can go home at the end of the night and crash if I want to. This past weekend was the worst for me. It was the Labor day 3 day weekend. I got some ice on Friday night and did pretty much the whole bag while sitting in my car in the parking lot of the bar, So then on Saturday when I got to the bar I hadn’t done any and I was so ready to fall asleep. So I found my friend and bought some from him and went to my room mates truck and did a few lines. He told me to leave him some in the truck so I left him 2 lines. I guess I never realized how much more I did then him until later on I asked him if he did the sh*t and if it was enough and he just kinda looked at me funny and said “It was MORE then enough” he even had put some away for later. And silly me was sitting there thinking I hadn’t given him enough…by Sunday I was TOTALLY burnt out and I could barley get myself off of the couch. I didn’t eat anything at all and I knew I was STARVING but I refused to eat. I didn’t even want to go out on Sunday but I did just to get out of the house. Sunday was the worst day. I did a line like every other hour all day and night. Now that I think about it, I regret putting so much of that sh*t in my system because now I’m paying for it. Even though I had Monday off I didn’t do any, only because I knew my ex was bringing my son over for a visit and I didn’t want to be all f*cked up when my son came home. Today is now Wednesday and I am having a very hard time staying awake its sad. Yesterday I took 2 caffeine pills and an Excedrine pill and drank soda ALL Day and I could not wake up, my hands keep shaking, I have constant headaches, I used to self mutilate myself but stopped for a long time but because of the crappy way this sh*t makes me feel I have started to cut myself again and I am severely depressed. I was already suffering from depression but I can tell now that this drug intensifies the feeling. I am starting to remember things that I would rather repress in my mind that happened to me a few years ago, I want to cry all the time and I have NO patience what so ever. I don’t pick at myself because I think that is just something I couldn’t do to myself but I am constantly grinding my teeth and when I look in the mirror into my own eyes I feel “empty” just kind of like a person standing there with no soul. When I look at myself I don’t even know who I am anymore. I am sitting here at work right now trying SO hard to stay awake, I want more then anything to not have to do this SH*T on the weekdays. It’s bad enough that even if I don’t want to do it on the weekends I still do because it has become that big of a habit for me. I never realized just HOW MANY people actually do this drug until I myself started doing it, then you realize that over half the people at the bar or anywhere do it, all these people that I have spent time with day in and day out all had this sneaky little habit. It’s almost like this secret society that no one knows about unless you are a part of it too. I am being strong and not buying any but I don’t know what my body is going through by doing SO Much of it on Sunday then just completely stopping for the week, I think my body is in shock and wants more and I am going through withdrawals..and I am just “that” stupid that I know I’m going to buy some more this weekend. I am just making myself mad because I know it has no effect on my at all. I don’t know why I felt I needed to talk about this, maybe because I have always been so good and this is probably the most shocking thing that anyone could ever find out about me and I don’t know who else to confess too. I do not place the blame on anyone but myself for this mess I have put myself in. When I started this I was on a one woman war path of self destruction and just wanted to go down and keep going down until hopefully maybe I would just die. I am 25 years old and I have a very good job and family and friends that love me. Hell I even work in the substance abuse field, so you would think that I know better then to create such madness in my life. Sometimes you just step out of your body for awhile and don’t understand why you do the things that you do. I guess that is where I am now. I’m not sure why I am slowly destroying myself, maybe because I have given up all hope. It’s funny how reading these stories a lot of people have been doing this drug for a long time and it has really done a number on them. And I sit here, with my measly 2 months of use and I am already soulless and empty inside. I guess it really doesn’t matter how long you have been doing it, it will still destroy everything that you are. If you saw me right now, you would think that I was just a little tired and maybe stayed up too late last night, you would never think that I am struggling so hard to not call my friend and get just a “little more” to ease this vicious craving I have for something that does absolutely nothing for me anymore. And I know that so many stories on here have said to turn to God, but I must say I have been on the floor in the corner crying begging for God to help me and he is yet to answer my cries for help. For now I guess I will hope that one day I can look in the mirror and see something, anything, looking back at me besides Emptiness. I have been sitting here for some time in front of this computer and I have read and re-read the words that I have written. I hesitate to push the “send” I’m not sure why, maybe because I’m scared of letting anyone and everyone into my secret life. I have to tell someone, this madness is eating me up inside. One deep breath and one simple click on the mouse and I can begin to be free.

THE TRUTH IS........
   My name is not important. What is important? When you are a meth-user....nothing. I am 27 years old, and have a nine year old, and a five year old. I have experienced quite a few drugs over the last 12 years. Alcohol, Marijuana, Cocaine, and Ecstasy were the frequent "Social Treats" that the group of friends I associated with did throughout a 2 year period. None of these "drugs" never called me back for more...The difference between now and then is the past was a time filled with a-lot of memories! Now I think about the day I was offered Meth, and the day the devil drug slowly lured my "reality" into "fatality." I think the Truth about this "Devil Drug" is that it can turn everything into nothing ......After I tried Meth, I was ready to do it whenever the opportunity was available. That was not very often, however I did not realize that I was already thinking about Meth!. Depression is a disease that I have battled throughout my life. Depression comes and goes for most people.I believed that Meth was hoping me to better deal with those down feeling. I felt as if I could get through any situation standing. That lasted long enough to take me into the next stage of my addiction. At the time my youngest child was 2 1/2 years old and I was a "stay at home mom for the first time. The availability of Meth was always there, and every time I used one more time I fell deeper into an addiction I never imagined could exists. The only people that were totally aware of my meth-use, were the people that introduced the drug, and they still are. The other people in my life I am sure have seen signs......but no matter how hard I have tried to talk about this secret addiction to people close to me, I couldn't. I haven't. I love my children, and have always put them first.Since I started using meth, I put them second without even thinking that was happening. I am ashamed. I am a 27 year old that is addicted to meth. I am also 7 1/2 months pregnant. When I found out I was pregnant I was about 5 weeks along. I know that I had used a few times in that five week period alone. I stopped using for close to two months, and also was not in contact with the ONLY group of people that I new could get me the meth. I thought about meth sub-consciously on a regular basis. That 2 months of total sobriety was my opportunity to change everything. Then I went around my group of friends, and once or twice a month I made up this lie about my friend wanting to buy the meth.I have not told anyone that I have used during my pregnancy. I have lied to everyone! My use of Meth for the past 5 months has been over about 4 full days of being high. I have told myself that doing small amounts of this drug is better that a large quantity. As I am typing this, It is even that much more clear that although I have an addiction, I have done everything possible to cover up the obvious! I lost touch with reality when I quit facing it. I am due to have my baby in two months. Although my meth usage has been small over the last few months of my pregnancy, I have wanted to quit every day....but mostly on the days that I use. In order for me to stop using have to never talk to anyone associated with Meth again. I know that the time spend recovering from a small amount of this drug takes days .My depression hits so low at certain times when I am in that few day down period, that It I like....not being able to see what is directly staring you in the face. Control of anything at this point does/to happen. After I use meth, It takes me 3 -4 days, to feel "normal'" I want to know how I ever believed that avoidance and a temporary relief of worry could feel better than waking up every morning an dealing with life as it comes at you.. Those 3-4 days of "down time".....either: puts me into the deepest sleep there is. Example:It took so much time and effort for anyone to wake me out of this zone. Even after my eyes are open, everything else is "shut down." There is nothing you can do to get out of this zone except.......let the effects take their course, or injest more meth. There is no choice. I stopped choosing when I gave up on getting through the day on my own two feet. I don;t see clearly when I use or have used meth. I am sitting here with the ability to accept the truth about what has happened to me since my addiction began. TI have nor will I ever introduce this drug to anyone. I made the choice to try meth. That was easy.....why can't I just walk away from i? I don't know that I will ever be able to admit to anyone else that I have used meth off and on for 2 1/2 years. I never even smoked a cigarette while I was pregnant with my 9 year old, and five year old. Then again.........I had never even heard of METH. If I could take that one day back......I would have said No, just that once.Or even listened to all the negative effects ...the intense burning sensation that it would cause, the drainage down the back of your throat that would happen, and also an up-front guarantee that I would use meth again. He was right. He basically was telling me that my trial meth experiment, would inevitably choose. hat is not on your mind at that moment. The first time I snorted a line, It was such a GOOD feeling, I did not realize that I was trying Meth for the first time, and had already determined that I would do it again!. If it was there, it was there. If it was not, I never thought twice. In November of 2003 I was introduced to "METH." I want to be free from this auphul desire. I am scared, that I will fail at changing a lifestyle of lies to the truth without actually telling my family and friends. I am not going to do meth today, but I can;t say that my mind won't think about it. I want to be strong enough to completely stop using meth the way I started. I am scared. I have a family, and am blessed with this baby that I have potentially harmes with a drug I know destroys everything in it's way. I Pray every day that I will be forgiven,and that i can look at my children again, and choose life. When my baby is born, I know that I will waiting for the Doctors to tell me something to be wrong with her. I could never live with myself.......Everyday I think about what could be for my unborn baby. The only way I will ever be able to truly move forward and make this part of my past ...is when I have my baby....... and she is truly blessed with a normalicy that I may have taken away from her. It is never too late to make a difference. This is the first time that I truly feel like I can't continue to live in the past........ to cover up a self-induced future that affects so many innocent lives.I have beemn hurting so many people in my life. I am so Sorry. I would take all of it back if I could. It is said that "THE TRUTH SHALL SET YOU FREE." I want to believe that. iiF THIS IS TRUE; I want my baby to be set free from my stupidity! I have never prayed hard about anything before. I am scared. Are you?.
--Meth abuser

Letter 2
   I saw someone use the word "Tina" while reading through letters, and here I am writing yet another letter....this site is what's getting me through most days. Funny, in my first letter I typed "Tina" several times, but then went back and changed it to meth....like I was in some type of denial or for some reason thought it was still some type of secret code word within my little group of friends and I wasn't ready to give it up to everyone. Even though I was admitting to my problem, I was still protecting her....isn't that bizarre. Like no one else in the world has ever heard the term "Tina" before....what the hell is my hang up? what am I protecting?
Anyway, I've been away from her for a month now, which is huge seeing as i was hanging out with her at least 4 days a week. It hasn't been fun or easy. Some weeks I don't feel like cleaning the house...and I don't. Some days I don't feel like getting out of bed...and I don't. I'm bitter and mean at times and somewhat anti-social. I can feel again, which contributes alot to my negativity....because I actually have to deal with things. I have to deal with my family, which i've basically ignored for the last two years, deal with my feelings about my divorce, figure out how i feel about the family religion and whether i should go back, worry about credit cards I went a little crazy on while shopping with Tina (she has a great way of making you think you need most everything in the store)....and the list goes on and on. But there are some deffinate positives (i think sometimes it's easier to focus on the negatives, since i'm having to deal with them for the first time in years).
I've been much better at my job and my boss is really warming up to me, as I am now able to show more of my true talent and am not such a zombie on Monday and Tuesday. I get this amazing warm feeling when i'm driving back to work and the sun is setting and the colors fill the sky. Great songs give me goosebumps again....and I sing and dance like i haven't for years.
I'm getting through trying to focus on these good things....but I think about how fun it would be to hang out with Tina almost every day. Especially on the weekends when i'm off work, home alone and just bored....when Tina was over, I never seemed to be bored. I try to keep myself busy and when things get really bad I call up this web site and start madly reading through letters to remind myself of all the reasons I tossed her out the door in the first place. Thank you to all who have shared....your letters are my salvation!!

My story of meth
   I think it was about 4 years now the first time I tried any uppper. I was 21 and knew some truck drivers, they were doing lines of some yellowish stuff and I wanted to join in so I did. It was crank... wow I was up for 2 days and felt like I was on top of the world. Scince I lived on the east coast speeders were hard to find.... so I develped a massive cocain habbit. After builiding up to a sometimes 1000.00 weeks of cocaine I took myself to the hospital. I was never able to put it completley down. After a huge argument with my ex boyfriend I picked up and moved to Yuma AZ to live with my mom.... I never knew it was tweaker paradise. I was in AZ for less then a week before I heard all the tweaker stories, i was amazed. It was now 2005 and I had only 2 months clean. I got some crystal meth from a friend at work... and so began my trip to HELL. I strated using all day and popping pills at night so my mom wouldn't catch me. it was too much of a strain on my body so I dropped the pills. I had a fight with my mom and she kicked me out of her house. Now here I am living on the street, and the only one willing to help me with the one who sold to me. I moved into a tweaker pad... now had no job, no transportation and no support system. Within two weeks, I had taken a job with an escort service. I made massive amounts of money and was able to stay as messed up as I wanted to for as long as I wanted to. My things and money were always being stolen. I shacked up with guys that would steal my money, and my dope. I moved around from house to house, hotel to hotel... and had devoloped a following, sure here's a hooker that always has money and dope. after two months of this life i ended up in a house, with the guy John. He was a user too. We shacked up, used together, and became in seperable in 24 hours. He made me quit my job and in less then a week, we were headed back to the east coast.... with NOTHING. We both wanted a life together that was clean... and so we went to take it back. We got to the east coast and everything was perfect, we both had jobs, a 4 bedroom house and were madly in love. about 4 months later John had to go back to AZ to take care of some issues with his daughter.... his urges were too strong for him to deal with himself. Johns now on his way back to jail, and has left me. This is the man who saved my life, was clean with me and is killing himself. We don't talk much anymore because we only fight. I'm still clean but he's been cheating on me with anything that moves. Meth is the devils drug, it kills your emotions, smoking meth will make you nothing more then a cave.... completley empty on the inside.

45 days clean, update posting
   I first posted in March 2005. I am the 27 year old mother of the two year old, and at the time had just began my decent into addiction. Today, I am 45 days out (not including a one-hit relapse a few weeks ago). I didn't quit in March, April, May, or June, even though I aspired to. I didn't lose any friends or family or house in the long run, but I did lose part of myself. The good news is I'm beginning to regain those pieces slowly. My husband and I have managed to rekindle our marriage after turning becoming violent with one another and considering divorce, which I can attribute, in hindsight, to the addiction and my spiral. I am not taking classes right now, I want to allow myself adequate time to be okay and not set myself up for relapse, but I can honestly say that life goes on and the sun still rises.
Not to say that 45 days its all over. I still dream about it, think about it, and crave it. Sometimes, my mouth will actually water if I smell something similar to it. The hardest part is breaking ties with my friends that haven't quit. I'm not okay with leaving them behind to perish. They are good people with great hearts and it hurts to "let" them continue to kill themselves and deminish their lives. But at the same time, I have a hard time addressing it because I don't want to sound judgemental - I remember that feeling all to clearly of being judged. And I can't physically be around them without craving it and being compelled to seek it out. I have re-connected with older friends who don't use, and made new friends, but that still doesn't fill the void of my old friends. It is pure evil - "the devil in a glass pipe" I've come to know it as.
I signed on to the site today curious to see how it might affect me differently, and the first thing I read was Claire's posting in June 05 about recovering and deciding to quit after reading what I had posted. I'm delighted to think I may have touched you or inspired you at all, and i'm also inspired and reinforced by your insight and your honesty. I hope there are many others that are able to support and inspire one another and I'm very greatfull for this website and the opportunity to shed light on this perplexing addiction. I wish luck, success, and peace to Claire and all the others affected by meth. To those who have yet to get away from it, please know that there is a better way, life will be good again, it just takes a while, and although it never gets easy, it does get easier.

   I want to thank the KBI for all their dangerous and very brave work trying to stop Methamphetamine use and sell in Kansas. I have a concern about my work place. Meth use seems to be common. Most people on the drug take a sudden fear of me as luckily I come across as decent and intolerate of drug and alcohol. A relative was killed by a drunk driver on drugs many years ago when I was 18. My concern at work is why don't the owners, board of directors and the corporations that own the nursing homes in the state of Kansas enforce regular drug testing for everyone? Not only is it not enforced on the staff who have known problems even to those in administration but why aren't those in administration tested as well? That might explain why complaints about odd meth behavior, drug use at work does not prompt any type of investigation once you notify your 'chain of command' as the chain of command is involved as well. I have too much respect for the KBI to think their drug enforcement would not force a drug investigation in Manhattan Kansas at all the Health care facilities if they knew they needed to enclude administration as well as staff workers. The non-users in the Nursing homes and Hospitals are harrassed or fired into silence. This problem is getting dangerous when administration protects their meth friends and the dependable workers are made to feel like outsiders. Thank you for your time. )One of many who don't use meth in Manhattan Kansas) I would leave my name but I have learned if you don't do meth in in town complaining does no good at all. I was just hoping that it might this time. Please keep your focus on nursing homes , some hospital workers have problems but that is mostly in non medical areas, like some of those in housekeeping. There are Med aides and CNA's making decisions only nurses have the right to make legally. I have found out many are on Meth regularly. Does meth alter your behavior and judgement so that you are dangerously bold yet paranoid of anyones criticism of you? I don't know how meth alters the users behavior in medical terms. I only see the emotional instability and irresponsiblity in action.

Dating a supposed ex-user
   I myself am a recovering addict but have been clean for about 8 years now. I have met a man in my life that I at first really thought was a great guy. Two dates later, the more I remember my days of addiction, the more I believe that he is still a user. All the signs are there…, inability to sleep, messy house, his vehicle is completely filled with his "stuff". After our second date, and I have to admit quite the sexual extravaganza, he mentioned to me that he was behind on his rent and told me that I may have to "put him up"…, meaning let him live with me if he gets evicted. He says that he has been clean for three months, but also told me that he had went several months before but went back to it. He admitted to me that he lost his job (had been a carpenter in the union), any custody rights for his two kids and his home. He says he is in the process of starting up his own construction business, but I'm just not sure that I believe him. Last night I spent the night at his apartment and every time I woke up during the night, he was still awake and doing something completely inappropriate. I woke up at 1:00 a.m. or so and he was just walking back in the door with his bike (said he went to go and pick his truck up which we had left at my friends house), woke up a little after 2:00 a.m. and he was doing sit-ups, woke up sometime around 4:00 a.m. and he was cutting his toenails. He said that he has problems still sleeping but is not using. Could this be true? I know it my heart that it probably is not, but just don't want to face the truth. No matter how much I like him, I have to keep what's best for me as my first priority. I've had a rough life like most users. Starting dabbling in the little stuff when I was about 13 and it took me until I was 32 years old to finally beat my drug addiction. I am scared to death to be exposed to meth again, have really taken great pains to keep myself away from users. Don't really know why I am writing this, except that maybe I'm hoping that someone will write back and tell me that his inability to sleep is understandable, considering he's only been clean this time for three months. Can someone, anyone write me back? I so hope that I am wrong.

Ode to NA

It's said you hit rock bottom
before reality sinks in,
you have to lose everything
before healing can begin

Sadness, disillusionment
cut you to the core
It's all you can do to not fall
crying to the floor

The first step is to acknowledge
what you are powerless over
and just when you think you've crashed and burned
you find you can and will go lower

The good thing about crashing
is the only place to go is up
but it sure doesn't feel that way
when the decisions you make seem corrupt

The second step is to acknowledge
that your life is unmanageable
even if your problems
are not real tangible

It takes some intense scrutiny
to examine your soul
to analyse and repair
to make you once again whole

I find myself hididng
so I don't have to see
the pain and the agony I've caused
both to me and my family

I feel judged and abandoned
from those that I love
but the friends I've made in these rooms
fit tighter than a glove

If it wasn't for these rooms
where I can be my broken self
I might have taken a way wrong turn
and ended up on someones shelf

I owe my friendships in the program
graditude for my life
for here I can work out all my
problems and eliminate the strife...


I feel the need for speed

It will take you where you want to go
To a place where mom always tells you No
It will make you loose weight
And solve your hunger
Step right up and take a number
Once you try you think you can stop
The high time in life is all you really want
No harm done it makes me feel fine
Pass me that pipe one more time
It will lift you up until you break
Than one more hit is what you’ll take.
In my lungs there you’ll stay
To keep me awake for days and days
You’ll want to sleep but there is no use
You cant fight back this kind of abuse
It will turn you pale and take your health
How could you put you through such hell
But once again you’ll need it more
And find yourself knocking on the dealers door
Ah the relief of that little hit
Now I’ll try snorting this shit
A different rush, a horrible taste
A pain that sits inside your face
I’ll lay awake all damn night fighting
The speed bugs on my arm keep biting
I scratch , I pick until I bleed
All for the need the need for speed
I’ve waited in line, my number is almost up
Do I really want to die for this stuff
All the people I left behind
The family and friends that I took on that ride
Just to feel that incredible high
I didn’t care then, but I do now
All it takes is just a little help
Step out of line and see for yourself
I stepped off the speed roller coaster
And walked out of the dark
With souvenirs that will never part
First with the scars for the whole world to see
How addicting this shit can really be
Second, the pain in my chest and heart
Reminds me daily how it almost stopped
So step right up and take a number
If living, and love just don’t matter
But I’ll never again wait in a line to die
The pain, the suffering, the tears you’ll cry
Speed takes a hold and wont let go,
And shows you things you never wanted to know.
It will break your heart and tell you lies,
Enough is enough I took back my life,
The grass is greener on the other side
It’s my life now not yours but MINE.

--Lauren W

Endless Run

Hiding from childish fears
While listening to my doubting ears
This is a mess I've made on my own
This lonely heart, really asked to be alone
Looking back is sad but true
Realizing mistakes I can never undo
I always do this, but logically I know
Forward Focus, Positive Goals

It might look easy while waiting on your turn
But if you tried, even once
You learn why respect must be earned
Still ahead, my choices will decide
How long I will live this ugly lie
Using this drug is an easy excuse
Even now I will defend my continued abuse
I will use many reasons to defend and excuse
But honestly none of my excuses are true
How I cry and feel so bad
Selfishly focusing on myself like that
Completely absorbed in I, Me and My
Pathetically analyzing every inch of my life

Truly wanting to have a good life
Here I am living with just scraping by
While the smartest and the strongest struggle to survive
I continue to whine about my hard life
I hope all the love I have in my heart
Will inspire my mind, give me a head-start
Hope and wishing won't get much done
It's time to quit my endless run

-Nancy M

Curled up in the corner of my bed
Just wanting to crash
They keep insulting me
Talking so much trash

Tough to listen to it all
Tears soon grow in the eyes
They speak the truth
Although I wish they were all lies

Feeling my body being rubbed
Wondering how they fuck can they be doing this
So unfair this is happening to me
I beg to stop - I make a wish

Enoughs, enough
What do you want from me
I'm sorry for what I did
I've learned from my mistakes
I've grown
I'm a good kid

Month after month
You talk the same shit
I've heard it all before
Time to tell me something new
Or are you too pathetic
To come up with more

I yell ...
Why you hiding behind your funky gadgets
To afraid to show your face
Confront me you coward
Know you cant
Cuz I'll smash your skull all over the place

I continue to party
Not really sure why
Probably thinking they've finally left me alone
Who am I trying to kid
Nobody's left
They' re raging threats of breaking each bone

Years go by, they're still around
Time to quit my friend
They got the better of me
Not knowing what is real
Questioning my own identity
Let it go, let it be

Watching a flick on Exorcism
Where it speaks of people feeling, seeings things
That are not true
Dash to the net to read some more
Cant believe what reading
If I only knew

Shaking my head - what an idiot
A relief knowing that chapter in my life finally closes
Talk about being a sucka...
I was played by Psychosis

Running around popping pills, sniffing lines
Thinking I was so damn cool
Through each week
I was nothing more than a useless tool
If my friends knew what I heard and felt
I'd be the biggest fool

But hey
Just because you finally realize it was drug induced
No need to repeat that ride
Treat your precious life with respect
Smile, be real, be clean
Walk towards your future with pride

--Jagger L.

Index of Stories & Letters

Email letters to kcimeth@yahoo.com

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