Ok to be an alcoholic and not a drug addict?
girl |
Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic, just not a
drug addict?
O.K.we all know a drug is a drug...But here is my
problem, My x husband is an alcholic,8 months ago when i was
using he tried to gain cusidy of our 7 year old son. During that
time I got clean. The battle got pretty hairy we both had
several decelarations aginist each other to prove the other was
un-fit to parent our son. We did not go to court,we both realized
that no one would win. Since that time I have been very active
in my recovery going to N.A. meetings ,and I am greatful for all
of this because I dont know if I would have done this if it
wernt for the sake of my son at first. But now Im doing this for
me. My x still continues to drink for some reason I think most
people think it is O.K.to drink even if you are an alcoholic,
Then if you ever did drugs. Just the fact that my drug of choice
was meth, and not alcohol I would have lost cusitody of my son. My
x loves his son but is in complete deniel about his drinking, I
dont want to open this can of worms agin, and if this did go to
court now, would there be traces of meth after 8 months clean? |
Replies... |
nights |
Re: Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic, just not a
drug addict?
Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic
,just not a drug addict
In my opinion, alchol is as bad as any drug, meth included. The
only difference is alchol is legal. But, they all change your
I think you don't get frowned upon for drinking as you do
illegal drugs.
You got children, don't do none of it. |
55 |
Re: Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic, just not a
drug addict?
I go to AA a LOT and IMO alcoholism is no more
glamorous than meth addiction, of course I see the worst of it.
Alcohol by ALL accounts *is* a drug, one of the most
destructive, and should not be perceived in any other way.
It kills more than all illegal drugs combined.
Drinking and driving is inevitable for most, if not all boozers
and the thought of having a child in the vehicle with an
intoxicated driver is gut wrenching.
CPS frequently removes children from alcoholic parents, at least
here they do. The 12 step meetings I attend include such people.
If you mean traces of meth in your system...no, it's flushed out
in 3-5 days, although a hair test reveals a much longer history.
Not to worry, you're doing great!
Conrats on you recovery!! |
TnSkye |
Re: Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic, just not a
drug addict?
I was the alcoholic living with a meth addict.
I think alcohol should be regarded the same as meth when it
comes to children.
When I realized how foolish it was to expect my husband to stop
using meth when I was drinking every night, I finally quit. |
Sfj |
Re: Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic, just not a
drug addict?
Is it OK to be a drug addict if you're not an
Far fewer deaths occur from meth than from alcohol. That doesn't
make it OK, does it?
www.drugwarfacts.org/causes.htm |
25 years
no more
Re: Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic, just not a
drug addict?
I dont want to open this can of worms agin,and if this
did go to court now, would there be traces of meth after 8
months clean?
No. |
Penel0pe |
Re: Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic, just not a
drug addict?
AN alcoholic IS a drug addict.
Alcohol is a drug. |
Loraura |
Re: Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic, just not a
drug addict?
I think most people think it is O.K.to drink even if you
are an alcholic
That's because it's legal to be an alcoholic, and illegal to be
an illegal drug addict.
The stigma is different.
It's the difference between hooking up with a dealer, or walking
with your head held high into the nearest liqour store and
waving at the cop on the way out.
No one gives nicotine addiction the same kind of stigma as with
illegal drugs, although it is just as hard to recover from.
Many people are addicted to all kinds of things that don't carry
the stigma of a drug addict, but can be just as destructive to
their lives. Addiction to gambling, shopping, food, sex... all
perfectly legal (unless prostitutes are involved) and all can
wreck a family just as badly as the crack whore next door.
It's socially acceptable to drink alcohol. That makes it much
easier to be a closet alcoholic. |
open83 |
Re: Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic, just not a
drug addict?
alcoholism and meth addiction have one thing in
there both addiction..
take the alcohol and the meth out of the equasion and your left
with the same result, ADDICTION
my father was a full blown alcoholic and hes life was just as
unmanagible and hectic as a meth addicts,he lost all the same
thing,family's wifes and kids due to alcoholism...
alcoholism is a disease just as meth addiction is a
disease...they both want us dead and they both run on self
centred unmanagible behaviours...
Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic ,just
not a drug addict
NO, but neither make us bad people, just sick people with a
disease... |
suzette |
Re: Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic, just not a
drug addict?
Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic ,just
not a drug addict
would'nt you know it?
....of corse I became a drug addict! damn! ...I hate booze! |
Penel0pe |
Re: Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic, just not a
drug addict?
Suz, I was never any good at booze either, no
matter how hard I tried. |
suzette |
Re: Is it O.K. to be an alcoholic, just not a
drug addict?
...it's lame dude.
I'm desensitized enough.
.....the first part is ok...but, after 30 minutes i feel "stuck
with it" and unable to sleep or shake it.
...I hate the "phases" of it.
if you got to keep the energetic, friendly, talkative part all
night maybe.
(the stimulant part is all I like)
....... you run the gambit of emotions and moods.
happy, meloncoloy, beligerent, obnoxious, clumsey...
.....dehydrated, can't sleep, feel like crap tommorow.
they could leagalize coke now, and I'd feel the same about it
I'm unhappy enough already!
....I hate it!
I can't do the things I like to do drunk. |
See also:
Would you like to be a drug addict?
From one addiction with another?
Did you grow up in a drug / alcohol / abusive environment?
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