Why is meth so addictive?
him |
why is meth so addictive?
Can anyone answer why meth is so addictive compared
to other drugs?
Why is that some people get hooked the first use
and why is it so hard to quit?
What is in this drug that makes it so addictive?
Please help us understand. |
Replies... |
inrite |
Re: why is meth so addictive?
This is only my opinion......
The amount of dopamine that is released into the brain when you
get high Is the biggest one.
The first time I ever got high, was the most incredible feeling
I have ever felt. Dopamine is the " feel good " chemical in your
But there are many things that make it so addictive.
here's a few for me....
compared to other drugs, I could make this one myself.
I cooked meth so the money and power associated with it.
The " friends " you make
Sex was better
The emotional numbness it gave me
those are just a few that relate to me...but each person would
have their own reasons
kell |
Re: why is meth so addictive?
Q: Why is methamphetamine addictive?
A. All addictive drugs have two things in common: they produce
an initial pleasurable effect, followed by a rebound unpleasant
effect. Methamphetamine, through its stimulant effects, produces
a positive feeling, but later leaves a person feeling depressed.
This is because it suppresses the normal production of dopamine,
creating a chemical imbalance. The user physically demands more
of the drug to return to normal. This pleasure/tension cycle
leads to loss of control over the drug and addiction.
Q: How does methamphetamine take over one's life?
A. Methamphetamine short-circuits a person's survival system by
artificially stimulating the reward center, or pleasure areas in
the brain. This leads to increased confidence in meth and less
confidence in the normal rewards of life. This happens on a
physical level at first, then it affects the user
psychologically. The result is decreased interest in other
aspects of life while reliance and interest in meth increases.
In one study, laboratory animals pressed levers to release
methamphetamine into their blood stream rather than eat, mate,
or satisfy other natural drives. The animals died of starvation
while giving themselves methamphetamine even though food was
Methamphetamine Frequently Asked Questions
N2 |
Re: why is meth so addictive?
I can tell you why I think Meth was so addictive to
me. I used a lot of different drugs before meth, they all where
great while I was using them but the next morning I would feel
so guilty.
With Meth I NEVER felt guilty because my crazed mind kept
telling me....It was a good drug. I was a better person on it. I
went to work and did my job better than ever. I lost weight and
looked better. My relationship was better because I could work
all day and come home and clean and remodel the house on a
nightly basis....all night!
All lies of course because it wasn't long into my addiction that
I lost everything and look like death.
I have no clue what it is in meth that makes people believe the
Meth Lie...just that it happens most every time.
Loraura |
Re: why is meth so addictive?
Yes, I can explain why it's MORE addictive than
most other drugs.
Take for instance, Cocaine. Cocaine stimulates dopamine to be
released in the brain, which feels great. The body naturally
breaks down cocaine in a matter of minutes, and the natural
recycle process for dopamine gather all the dopamine released,
and puts it back in storage for next time.
Meth also stimulates dopamine to be released in the brain.
However, is has 2 other properties which make it infinitely MORE
addictive than cocaine.
1) It takes the body HOURS to break down, rather than a few
minutes. So it continues causing high dopamine activity for
2) during these HOURS of activity, meth also BLOCKS the recycle
process, meaning the dopamine can not be "caught" and put back
in storage. Because of this, the brain has no choice but to use
it's 2nd line of defense against over stimulation -- dopamine
So for several HOURS the brain goes about destroying dopamine.
This means that when the user stops using, there is LESS
dopamine left over than before they used. Each time they use,
there is less and less dopamine left.
This lack of dopamine causes the brain to NEED meth just to feel
normal again.
The body can make more dopamine from protein that is eaten, but
not at a rate that can keep up with a meth user's destruction of
dopamine. This is why it takes MONTHS of clean time to begin to
feel anything resembling normal again.
Loraura |
Re: why is meth so addictive?
For more info about Dopamine and Meth use, Go Here. |
See also:
What makes meth more addictive?
Comparing coke, crack, and meth to how addictive each is
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