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Why would a meth addict keep urine?

Is there a reason meth user / supplier would keep urine?
I just came to realization over the last few days that my spouse is using meth, possible manufacturing, definitely supplying to others. Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?

This is the most difficult and painful experience of my life. I feel sadness on more levels than I ever thought possible. I have contacted an attorney and will be filing for divorce. This has hit me totally from left field and any information I could receive will be greatly appreciated.

Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
Clean urine to use to pass a piss test would be my first thought.

Sorry for your circumstances.

The good news is you found a great place here at KCI. Welcome
Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
Thanks. I just stumbled across this site. I've been reading for the last few days. It's comforting to know that I'm not alone. I feel very stupid for not seeing the signs. Sometimes denial is a very comfortable place to be.
So much
Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
I'm sorry that this is happening to you. Meth destroys everyone and everything. Do you have children?
I hope he's not cooking it at or around your home..
Yes you have come to the right place. There are alot of people here that will give you support and hopefully comfort. Keep your strength up. It sounds like you're a strong lady in knowing what you must do and you have already contacted an attorney. I hate meth! It kills! It consumed my 22 year old son. He couldn't break the grip of meth and ended up taking his life this past August.
Please continue to come here and stay strong!
Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
I don't believe he is cooking at the house, I have searched everywhere for signs, basement, garage, etc. and don't think it's happening here. I believe he is going somewhere out in the country. I have a 2 year old daughter, my first priority. Her well being is above and beyond the most important thing. I am so naive to drugs. This is all so scary. I am so sorry for the loss of your son. This meth epidemic is so sad. I cry every time I think about my husband feeling so bad that he has to literally poison himself to feel good.
Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
Yep, clean urine ... or possibly synthetic urine (you can buy urine online) to use to pass a urine test. My addict had synthetic urine stored at my house too.

I've been where you are - total, absolute shock - how could you not see it (I didn't either). Things will slowly start to make sense for you now, things will add up, but also, more questions (many more questions).

Stick around, learn what you can ... and welcome to KCI!
Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
First of all welcome to KCI. I am sorry you are here under such painful circumstances, but here you will find a lot of good information.

Don't beat yourself up for not seeing the 'signs'. We addicts can be very good at hiding things. My parents attributed my failing health/emotional state to the bad marriage I was in; they had no idea drugs were involved also.

Keep coming here, keep reading, and don't be afraid to ask questions! I will keep you in my prayers!
no more
Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
Welcome to KCI and stick around ! There are many here in your shoes.

Sorry you guys are going thru this !!

My first thought was clean urine for drug testing , too.
So much
Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
You sound like a wonderful mom!! Keep that daughter of yours right up front on the priority list.
It's so sad to see what this drug does to people and how it destroys everything around the addict. There is so much in life and meth just throws everything away. If you are aware of a cooking house, you really need to report it. It's very dangerous to all around...
Keep your strength, keep coming here.
Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
I have reported my suspicions to law enforcement. They are holding off until he's out of the house to begin investigating, for the safety of my daughter and myself. They believe if they take action right now, it may put us in danger.
Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
I have reported my suspicions to law enforcement. They are holding off until he's out of the house to begin investigating, for the safety of my daughter and myself. They believe if they take action right now, it may put us in danger.
Good for you! I will continue to keep you in my prayers, and please keep us updated on what is happening.

Is he working at all right now or is he home most of the time?
Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
Yes, I agree with Tenderhearts, GOOD FOR YOU!
Now, please know that the police have no control over your husband and very little control over the meth use and distribution/cooking. Meth addiction is way out of hand and over their heads and they can only do a little bit for you. I know from experience that any expectations in law enforcement to stop the nightmare only brings resentment of the whole system. Also, please be very careful. Meth can make the most wonderful trusted people into very angry and vindictive criminals. They are VERY PROTECTIVE over their drug and the world in which they do it.

I pray that God's will is done in your life and that you have a support network close to you. Alanon and Naranon are wonderful SAFE groups filled with people you can share with and learn how to work through the devastation of having addiction in your family. I know for me, it is the only place I feel safe to reach out for help while in the "crisis" time.

I also realized after trying to "fix" things myself, that I needed to just start with my SELF and LOVE and PROTECT my SELF.

We, loved ones of a meth addict, all often ask ourselves, "How did I get here? This isn't what I wanted for my life!" We can only answer those questions through time. Most importantly we can't lose ourselves in an addict's sad drama. Hold on to YOU and what you have always believed in.

We did not cause our loved one's addiction, We can't control our loved one's addiction and We can't cure our loved one's addiction.

You have a journey ahead that will be filled with pain I imagine but it is similar to the journey that many here have walked. Know that you are not alone and that you are loved and prayed for by many more than you can even imagine.

Sharing helps all.


Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
You are all awesome. I confronted my husband yesterday, he admitted to the use, he says off and on for more than two years. I believe he admitted only because he realized my suspicions. He left last night, but not after begging and begging for another chance. We went through this a year ago, I thought I was dealing with pot. I feel very foolish. But the answers to this madness are finally starting to come to the surface, along with many more questions. I had a few days to prepare for our talk and I'm glad, it really helped me to use my head instead of my heart. He also claimed to have quit two weeks ago, I feel this to be a lie, I mean, what else would he say. He knew the rules 6 years ago when we married, no drugs. He says the first four years of the marriage he never used, I do believe that. Looking back the change in behavior did start about two years ago, but I thought I was dealing with pot. I feel like I've been living in a fog that is beginning to lift. The sadness is overwhelming at times, but I know this is what I have to do.

Thank you all for your support and prayers - I never knew how quickly strangers could become friends.
Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
Thank you all for your support and prayers - I never knew how quickly strangers could become friends.
That's what we are here for!

Stay strong and stick to your guns. It could have gotten SO much worse had you not realized what was going on and stayed with the situation.

You will come through this with flying colors, and you are NOT alone!

Continuing to keep you in my prayers! (((hugs)))
So much
Re: Is there a reason meth user/supplier would keep urine?
Continue to be strong! You are on the right track.
His denial of using currently and saying he quit 2 weeks ago is probably a lie, you know what's going on. Addicts lie, cheat and steal. They will say and do anything to support the addiction. You are a very strong person. And sticking with your decision is of utmost importance. This keeps you from enabling!
We're all here for you!
Hugs and God Bless!

See also:

How long does meth stay in your system?

Faking a urine drug test?

Drug Tests and Drug Testing Excuses Topics

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